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Exposing Pick over the Web

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Nivethan T

Aug 10, 2024, 10:54:21 PM8/10/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
I've been trying to figure out how to access my Pick environment from anywhere without having to install a terminal emulator or having my ssh keys available and finally got all the pieces set up.

Hopefully someone else finds it interesting as well, you may not be able to copy my steps one to one but it might give some direction.

You can expose terminal applications using gotty and so what I did was use gotty to expose scarletdme and then used nginx to protect the exposure with ssl certificates.

More indepth explanation with all the configuration files that are needed:

I think it might be possible to trigger downloads and do some fun stuff where you mix BASIC and web stuff directly. Something like typing out LIST ORDER.FILE and having a table appear on the web page in addition to the terminal window.

Christopher Jeune

Aug 11, 2024, 8:56:06 PM8/11/24
I would also like a pick environment in the cloud to account-restore done old accounts off pseudos from the 99s or test new pick basic code.

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Steven Martin Trimble

Aug 12, 2024, 11:40:42 AM8/12/24
very interesting. let us know how it all works out.
currently, I use Coyote from EasyCo
since 1996. I have developed lots of web tools and applications utilizing the browser.
really fun stuff. works on anything that has a browser.
keep up the good work!

Steven Trimble
(501) 772-3450 cell/text


Rick Weiser

Aug 12, 2024, 2:13:28 PM8/12/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
If you need to access telnet applications, We (TRG) have a browser based solution that we use to connect via telnet, ssh or ssl.

Email me and I will demo what we do, rweiser at thinktrg, dot com.


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