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SHIMS User Group Meeting + Possible MultiValue Summit Next Year

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Yvette Castro

Sep 30, 2024, 3:34:40 PM9/30/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
Hi everyone, just wanted to post here and let everyone know that the SHIMS meeting is taking place in a few weeks in Phoenix. You can view all the details at and below. 
Here is the info: 
Oct. 20-23, 2024 in Phoenix, Arizona

FOUND:RE Phoenix Hotel
1100 N. Central Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85004

You can register for the event here

There has also been a lot of talk around possibly holding a MultiValue Summit that includes the SHIMS and MIS user groups being held at the same time and location. I am responsible for the execution of both of these meetings working with Sanders Supply to host the SHIMS meeting and Pace Supply to host the MUG group. We have had discussions around possibly combining the meetings (not sharing sessions) but sharing the location and giving our sponsors more exposure and a more seamless experience since both of these events take place within a few weeks of each other. If we do end up combining, we'd like to add a day or two to invite all other MV users to join us for sessions and networking opportunities.  The prime time to make this happen would be Sept/Oct 2025 and the location is open for discussion. Does this spark any interest with the rest of this audience? 

Incase you don't know who I am, I have been working with MV users on the Marketing side of business since 2009 and have close relationships with RDM Infinity, Zumasys, NexusTek and Rocket Software. My experience includes leading the Marketing team at Zumasys for almost 10 years, working as Director of Events at NexusTek and more recently supporting RDM Infinity with their Marketing programs. I currently run a small agency called Marina Marketing where I consult businesses on their Marketing initiatives with a heavy influence on events. I have assisted with the planning and execution of the SHIMS Meeting since 2011 and just supported the planning and execution of the MUG Meeting for the second time and chaired the Zumapalooza event that used to be hosted by Zumasys since 2011. I have built many wonderful relationships among the MultiValue community and hold them near and dear to my heart and really hoping to continue to helping this community of users stay connected. 

That being said, I am interested and open to hearing any and all feedback regarding the above. Thank you for your time.

Yvette Castro
Marina Marketing

Tony Gravagno

Oct 3, 2024, 6:13:04 PM10/3/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
Great to see you out here, Yvette.
If "community" doesn't resonate with industry leaders then it must re-start from the user base. I wish you the best success.

Hi everyone, just wanted to post here and let everyone know that the SHIMS meeting is taking place in a few weeks in Phoenix. You can view all the details at and below. ...
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