On 24/07/2024 20:44, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> Hi Wol,
> I hope you are the right person (i.e. Wol on
lwn.net). If not, please ignore.
Hi Geert,
> Perhaps you are interested in an old Pick system?
Thank you very much for the offer! Unfortunately, there's Pick systems,
and there's Pick systems. Ultimate I'm sure is a "Genuine Pick" system,
and I've only ever used INFORMATION-style Pick clone systems.
Plus I don't fancy paying transatlantic shipping fees and fighting the
different voltages, Hz etc.
However, I've cc'd the mvdbms Google Group, which will give this much
wider exposure. It would be a real shame to see this end up as scrap.
Hopefully someone on the group will want it.
> Gr{oetje,eeting}s,
> Geert
Thank you very much for thinking of me,