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SD 0.8.1 released

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Donald Montaine

Aug 20, 2024, 6:56:04 PM8/20/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
Clone or download a zip file at:

(git clone -b main

1. This is an early release because of a bug found in op_dtx (the Basic dtx function) that was inherited from upstream.  Because of this bug, the DUMP command would show decimal rather than hex values.
2. This release also includes the ability to install embedded Python and some updates to SDENCRYPT and SDDECRYPT.

If you have questions or just want to let the developers know that you are
using SD, just email us at sd.string.database at gmail dot com.

The 0.9.0 release should be available in October. We are hoping to include embedded Python in that release.
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