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SD main branch updated to 0.7.1

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Donald Montaine

Jul 23, 2024, 5:39:37 PM7/23/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
The main branch of SD on github has been updated to version 0.7.1.  

Highlights of this version:

String size limited to 1 GB, removes possibility of segfault because of string too long. 
New Verb SDEDIT which is a shell for the micro and nano editors. This allows editing of programs and dictionary items including calculated dictionary items.  
Removed compiled code from I and C type dictionary items.  They are compiled after installation. (Dynamic dictionary files are created during installation as well rather than just copied).
SED and UPDATE.RECORD are returned.
Some documentation is provided in the new Documentation directory.
More detail is provided in the changelog file or by looking at the 27 merges on github that have occured since version 0.7.0.

You can download or clone the updated code from

If you have git installed the command is:

Installation and removal bash scripts for Debian 12 and Fedora 40 based distros are provided in the base sdb64 directory.

Donald Montaine

Aug 5, 2024, 6:35:24 PM8/5/24
to Pick and MultiValue Databases
The attached text file covers which Basic commands  (valid in OpenQM 2.6.6) are supported in SD, which have been removed and new commands specific to SD.  
 This list will be correct for the next version of SD, 0.8.0 which will be released soon.

Some of the commands that we list as removed were actually not supported in the GPL version of OpenQM, even though they were still recognized by the compiler..  We have removed all the deleted commands from the compiler and have removed the op-codes as well, if appropriate. 

Basic Command List.txt

Steven Martin Trimble

Aug 6, 2024, 9:10:20 AM8/6/24
Thanks for all the hard work, sir Donald!

Steven Trimble
(501) 772-3450 cell/text

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