CFP: Southern Graduate Music Research Symposium, Florida State Univ., Virtual/Tallahassee, 10-11 Sep 2021

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Jun 15, 2021, 8:15:49 PM6/15/21
2021 Southern Graduate Music Research Symposium

The Society for Musicology at Florida State University is pleased to announce the eleventh annual Southern Graduate Music Research Symposium, Friday and Saturday, September 10-11, 2021 at the Florida State University College of Music in Tallahassee, Florida. This meeting will utilize a hybrid format to offer a more accessible conference. Saturday’s sessions will incorporate an in-person option; however, participants will be able to engage virtually if preferred.

Call for Papers

The symposium’s program committee invites all graduate students to submit abstracts for papers and presentations related to historical musicology, ethnomusicology, vernacular or popular music traditions, world music cultures, and music theory and analysis. The presentation format will be a twenty-minute paper followed by a ten-minute discussion. Abstracts must not exceed 250 words and should demonstrate a clear focus or statement of the problem, research methodology, and conclusions. Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously so please do not include any identifying information from the main text of the abstract.

Submissions should include the following information in the text of your email:

1. Name, institutional affiliation, and degree program
2. Email address
3. Audio-visual requirements

The above items should be submitted electronically (PDF or Word document, Word preferred) to fsumusicology -at-

Submissions must be received by 11:59 PM EST on August 1, 2021. Participants will be notified of their acceptance by August 20th.

The Southern Graduate Music Research Symposium is a collaborative event, organized by and for graduate students, whose mission is to support graduate student research in music and to foster a collegial research environment among regional schools in the South. 
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