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Call for Contributions to NIME2025: entangled NIME

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Charles Martin

Nov 7, 2024, 11:05:41 PM11/7/24
to AI Music Creativity
Call for Contributions to NIME2025: entangled NIME

We invite you to be a part of NIME2025: entangled NIME, the International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression. NIME2025 will take place at The Australian National University, Ngunnawal and Ngambri Country, Canberra, Australia with support for in-person and remote presentation.

We invite submissions of new scholarly and creative works in the following categories:

  • Paper (6000-, 4000-, and 2000-word lengths)
  • Music (live performance, installation, remote)
  • Workshop

All NIME submissions are made through CMT (link TBA) and use the NIME Template:
We encourage submitters to use the LaTeX templates and tools such as Overleaf where possible.

Submission deadlines are and full information for each category of submission can be found at:

We particularly wish to encourage submissions from artists and scholars who are women, queer, or gender diverse, are First Nations people, young/emerging, historically marginalised, have a disability or are Deaf, or who simply work outside of academia and mainstream institutions. We suggest joining the NIME Forum where you are able to get updates and support from the NIME2025 committee and community in developing your submission.

We note that travel is not required to publish and present work at NIME 2025. Decoupling publication and travel supports inclusive participation in our field. The full call website includes requirements and guidance for remote participation. We note that NIME submissions (papers, music, workshops) are subject to the NIME Principles & Code of Practice on Ethical Research and ask all submitters to consider accessibility implications that may be relevant to their proposals. We welcome conversations regarding accessibility potential of submissions.

Important Dates:

All dates are 23:59 AoE (Anywhere on Earth)

  • 4 December, 2024: Submission site (CMT) opens
  • 29 January, 2025: Paper and Music - Titles, abstracts and author lists due in CMT
  • 5 February, 2025: Paper and Music -  Final submissions due in CMT
  • 19 February, 2025: Workshop submissions due in CMT
  • 2 April, 2025: Acceptance decisions and reviews released
  • 30 April, 2025: Camera ready and presenter registration deadline
  • 24 June, 2025: NIME Workshops
  • 25 - 27 June, 2025: NIME Conference

Submission information for all tracks is available here:

If you’d like to register as a NIME reviewer (or are unsure if you’re already a reviewer), please register as a reviewer using this form.

Please visit the conference website for further information:

NIME Topics:

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

  • NIME2025 theme: entangled NIME 
  • Novel controllers, interfaces or instruments for musical expression
  • Augmented, embedded and hyper instruments
  • Technologies or systems for collaborative music-making
  • New performance paradigms for mobile music-making
  • Music-related human-computer interaction
  • Sensor and actuator technologies, including haptics and force feedback devices
  • Musical mapping strategies
  • Explorations of relationships between motion, gesture and music
  • Evaluation and user studies of new interfaces for musical expression
  • Evaluation and user studies of commercially available “off the shelf” interfaces
  • Interfaces for musical expression for people with special needs
  • Musical applications of robotics
  • Interactive sound art and installations
  • Performance rendering and generative algorithms
  • Machine learning in musical performance
  • Web-based music performance
  • Software frameworks, interface protocols, and data formats, for supporting musical interaction
  • Historical, theoretical or philosophical discussions about designing or performing with new interfaces
  • Discussions about the artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology
  • Sonic interaction design
  • Pedagogical perspectives or reports on student projects in the framework of NIME-related courses
  • Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism
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