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Call for papers: The First International Conference in AI Music Studies

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Bob Sturm

Jan 22, 2024, 8:51:40 AM1/22/24
to ISMIR community,

Apologies for cross-posting.


   The First International Conference in AI Music Studies:
 Prospects, Challenges and Methodologies of Studying AI Music
           in the Humanities and Social Sciences

              Dec 10-12, 2024 Stockholm, Sweden

"AI music" (music generated by or with artificial intelligence technologies) is now part of established music ecosystems. While only a few years ago such music was “on the fringe”, it is quickly becoming more present and moving into the mainstream due in large part to the commercial exploitability of the technology, what it produces for what it costs, and its growing public accessibility (complete with claims of "democratizing" music production and composition). The development and application of AI to music creation is attracting significant sums of money from private circles, not to mention considerable efforts in academic engineering circles; yet, perhaps with the exception of intellectual property (e.g., legal ownership) and ethics (e.g., responsible use), many topics of AI music remain by and large under-explored by critical examination and reflection in the humanities and social sciences. This motivates several key questions for critical analysis and reflection:

1. How can the AI music ecosystem and its components be formally studied, and what considerations must be made to make sense of it?
2. What challenges arise in the application of established disciplines, such as musicology or ethnomusicology?
3. What are the prospects and challenges for AI Music Studies for the Humanities and Social Sciences in general?
4. What is needed in terms of new methodologies for this area of study, and what interdisciplinary connections are required?
5. How are copyright, and intellectual property more generally, being challenged by the emergent music ecosystem being populated by AI music?
6. What are the implications of AI Music in terms of economic, environmental and sociocultural sustainability?
7. What are perspectives from music ecosystems other than the hegemonial popular music ecosystem of the Global North?
8. What are the positions of music cultures that so far remained largely outside of the digitalization of cultural data?

The First International Conference in AI Music Studies explores the prospects,
challenges and new methodologies required for the study of AI music within the Humanities and Social Sciences. It aims to bring into conversation scholars working in music computing, musicology, ethnomusicology, sound studies, science and technology studies, philosophy, ethics, economics, feminist and posthumanist studies to help define and develop, or even challenge the need for, a discipline of AI music studies. The three-day conference will feature papers, panels, workshops, a keynote address, and a concert. The keynote address of the conference will be delivered by Georgina Born, Professor of Anthropology and Music at University College London.

We are seeking presentations, panels and workshops for the conference. Each presentation will be given 20 minutes in a session, and each session will conclude with a podium discussion of its presented works. Each panel will have 3-5 participants, and last at least 60 minutes with audience discussion. A workshop consists of two hours of directed work and discussion around a topic. To submit a presentation, please write an abstract of no more than 300 words about your work and how it relates to the core themes of the conference. For panels, please write a description of the topics to be discussed and composition of the panel. For workshops, please write a description of the topics to be worked with, a schedule, and information on the workshop leaders. Email these to by the date below.

Important Dates:
- Presentation/Panel/Workshop Submission: March 28 2024
- Decision Notification: April 26 2024
- Early Conference Registration: August 30 2024
- Conference: December 10-12 2024

Other information:
The conference registration fee, and the exact location, have yet to be decided. Please see the conference website for the most current information Please send questions or comments to

Organising Committee
Bob L. T. Sturm (KTH, Stockholm), chair
Elin Kanhov (KTH, Stockholm)
André Holzapfel (KTH, Stockholm)

Steering Committee
Toivo Burlin (Stockholm University)
Jan-Olof Gullö (KMH, Stockholm)
Hans Lindetorp (KMH, Stockholm)
Georgina Born (University College London, UK)
Oded Ben-Tal (Kingston University, UK)’
Nick Collins (Durham University, UK)
Ken Déguernel (Univ. Lille, CNRS, France)
Eric Drott (University of Texas, USA)
Thomas Hodgson (University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
Jonathan Sterne (University of McGill, Canada)
Rujing Stacy Huang (The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
Ollie Bown (UNSW Sydney, Australia)

Bob L. T. Sturm, Associate Professor
Speech, Music and Hearing
School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science
Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden
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