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CFP: IEEE Big Data 2023 Workshop on AI for Music Generation

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Lindi Liao

Sep 18, 2023, 9:24:00 AM9/18/23
to AI Music Creativity

IEEE Big Data - AIMG 2023: IEEE Big Data 2023 Workshop on AI for Music Generation (Hybrid)

Music can touch the hearts of any audience without them possessing any knowledge of its context. The power of music is transcendental, and it stems from the timbre of the instrument(s), the fundamental rhythmic structure and melody, the dynamics, instrumentation, and many more, all of which cooperate in some form of harmony to create the final product. With the recent rise of Artificial Intelligence-Generated Contents (AIGC), AI for music is a promising field full of creativity, novel methodologies, and technologies that are yet to be explored. Currently, AI for music methods have been commonly concentrated on utilizing machine learning and deep learning techniques to generate new music. Despite the significant milestones that have been achieved thus far, many are not necessarily robust for a wide range of applications.

This is an open call for papers, which includes original contributions considering recent findings in theory, applications, and methodologies in the field of AI music generation. The list of topics includes, but not limited to:
•             Machine learning/AI for music
•             Natural language processing for music generation
•             Algorithmic music generation
•             Music generation based on a specific aspect: Lyrical, chordal, motivic, melodic, and rhythmic
•             AI-generated lyrics
•             AI-generated instrumental audio (including vocal)
•             Computational musicology
•             AI music interpretation
•             AI music data representation
•             Music evaluation metrics
•             Multiple-Channel AI music generation
•             AI musical fusion (notes, audio, etc.)
•             AI generation for musical performance and expression
•             AI music enhancement (e.g. AI-generated instrumentation)
•             AI musical ethics
•             AI music generation datasets
•             Human-Centered Interaction (HCI) for AI music generation
•             AI music for neuroscientific applications
•             AI-Aided music theory applications

Important Dates
•             Oct 1, 2023: Submission of full and short papers
•             Oct 8, 2023: Submission of posters & AI musical compositions
•             Nov 1, 2023: Notification of paper acceptance
•             Nov 20, 2023: Camera-ready of accepted papers
•             Dec 15-18, 2023: IEEE Big Data 2023 Workshop (hybrid)

Please follow the web link to submit to IEEE Big Data 2023 paper submission site. Accepted papers will be published in the IEEE Big Data 2023 proceedings.

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