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PhD position: Interactive Sound Spaces - Deep Learning Architectures for Creative Sound Practices and Musical Applications

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Kıvanç Tatar

Mar 4, 2024, 2:26:15 AM3/4/24
to AI Music Creativity

How do we make music with wicked sounds generated by Deep Learning architectures?

We are looking for candidates for a PhD position, in the project Interactive Sound Spaces - Deep Learning Architectures for Creative Sound Practices and Musical Applications at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden. We will research and develop novel Deep Learning tools for various musical interaction modalities and possibilities, to thereby help, guide, and enable creative practitioners in the novel ways of exploring, selecting, designing, and performing sound. Please find the more details of the project at the following link:

The deadline for applications is April 15th, 2024.

This position is part of a broad call for up to five fully funded PhD positions in Computer Science and Engineering covering areas such as: data science, logic and types, natural language processing, formal methods, software engineering, interaction design, computer graphics, and networks and systems. Candidates choose a project from a list of various topics in Computer Science fields to apply. If you would like to work in Deep Learning architectures for experimental music and sound practices, 

Please state in your cover letter that you are applying for the project DSAI01 - Kivanc Tatar - Interactive Sound Spaces - Deep Learning Architectures for Creative Sound Practices and Musical Applications. More info about the application procedure is below.

Please submit your application using the button at the end of the official call page at the link below


To qualify as a PhD student, by the starting date, you must complete the requirements for a master's level degree of at least 240 higher education credits in Computer Science and Engineering or in a study program relevant to your chosen research area.

The working language at the department is English, the position requires sound verbal and written communication skills in English.

Contract terms

Full-time employment. The position is limited to a maximum of five years.

We offer

Chalmers offers a cultivating and inspiring working environment in the coastal city of Gothenburg. Read more about working at Chalmers and our benefits for employees.

Swedish is not a pre-requisite for applying. If you wish to learn Swedish, Chalmers offers Swedish courses to support your integration in Swedish society.

Application procedure

The application must include the following materials:

  • Selection of minimum one and maximum two of the projects indicating, which of the two is the preferred project to work on.

  • A cover letter explaining the merits of the candidate and describing clearly their suitability to the first ranked project. The cover letter must not exceed two pages. In the case of candidates who have not completed their required qualifications, the letter should include a clear statement as to their expectations to complete their qualifications.

  • A CV detailing previous experience including links to additional materials such as theses, publications, previous projects, or similar.

  • Certificates of previous degrees and transcripts of courses the student passed and their grades.

The application is to be written in English.

The interview and assessment process will include:

  1. Shortlisting:

    1. Shortly after the application deadline, suitable candidates will be contacted by the respective supervisors.

    2. Candidates should be ready to present a previous project at a master level within at a short notice of about a week.

  2. Interview:

    1. Shortlisted candidates will be asked prior to the interview to complete a small take-home assignment related to the project they have selected.

    2. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to an online interview of about 1 hour, including a discussion of their assignment and other relevant questions.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact:

Regarding employment, application procedures, and positions: Sanna Staf (

Regarding the projects and other questions: Nir Piterman (

Thank you,

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