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Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk

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Dan Sauter

May 29, 2017, 9:18:43 PM5/29/17
to Music Life Radio

We speak to director and producer Corbett Redford of the documentary TURN IT AROUND: THE STORY OF EAST BAY PUNK which spans over 30 years of the California Bay Area’s punk music history with a central focus on the emergence of Berkeley’s inspiring 924 Gilman Street music collective. Narrated by Iggy Pop and executive produced by Green Day, Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk is the definitive telling of this vibrant story, drawing from a wide variety of voices and viewpoints and featuring the music of many of the most famous and infamous punk bands ever.

Corbett talks about how he got the job to direct and produce this film, the trials and tribulations in putting it all together over 3 and a half year period, the people who helped him on this journey, and his personal highlights of making the film.  We also talk a bit about his background in growing up in Pinole, his role as father (he has a two year old son), and his band Bobby Joe Ebola and the Children MacNuggits (see MLR 030 and 031).

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