Many changes in the wip-branch - please test

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A.E. van Bochoven

Jun 21, 2015, 9:39:12 AM6/21/15
Hi All,

I just pushed a whole load of changes to wip. Most notable are:

Business Units/Machine groups
For people managing more than one environment in the same munkireport instance, this could be helpful. It allows you to assign machines, users and managers to particular business units that are separated from the rest.

Live Filters
You can filter the machines on machine_group using the filter item at the top. As long as the filter is active, you will only get reports on the groups that are checked. 

Multiple Disk reporting
MR now can report on more than the Boot drive, it will recognize ssd, fusion and raid drives. All other drives are reported as hdd. 
I'm not sure if multiple disk reporting should be configurable, it may lead to upspinning CD's or private flash drives showing up. Please give your opinion on that.

Certificate reporting
You can get reports on the expiration date of certificates stored in /etc/certificates, I think this is mostly usable for servers.

New UI for client detail
The idea is to have a cleaner interface for the detail report. In the previous one we were running out of space for the tabs. Tabs are now accessed by a dropdown menu on the left. Some tab items will only show up when there's data for it, maybe we can use that on more tabs (hide power report on non-portables)

Auto refresh on Dashboard
Some widgets will automatically update every minute (certificate_widget, disk_report_widget, new_clients_widget, os_widget, etc.)

Some remarks about upgrading:
*ALL USERS ARE ADMINS* due to a change in the way authorization works, if you want to limit admin rights, define at least one user with the role of admin in config.php. For more information see

Allow migrations: you need to allow mr to migrate to the latest version if you're upgrading:
add $conf['allow_migrations'] = true; to config.php


Calum Hunter

Jun 22, 2015, 11:13:53 PM6/22/15
This is awesome!
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