TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/

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Eric Franklin

Dec 7, 2015, 11:37:53 AM12/7/15
to MunkiWebAdmin
I've setup Munkiwebadmin using the MunkiWebAdmin Linux Setup guide for CentOS 6. Everything is working except for the "Admin" section. When I access the "Admin" section, I receive the following error:

TemplateDoesNotExist at /admin/
Request Method: GET
Django Version: 1.5.1
Exception Type: TemplateDoesNotExist
Exception Value:
Exception Location: /usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/django/template/loader.py in find_template, line 139
Python Executable: /usr/bin/python
Python Version: 2.6.6
Python Path:
Server time: Mon, 7 Dec 2015 11:14:17 -0500
Template-loader postmortem

Django tried loading these templates, in this order:
Using loader django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader:
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)
Using loader django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader:
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/reports/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/catalogs/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/manifests/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/inventory/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)
/usr/local/munkiwebadmin_env/munkiwebadmin/licenses/templates/admin/index.html (File does not exist)

How do I fix this?
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