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Proposal: UI changes at the loginwindow and in "aggressive mode"

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Gregory Neagle

Jun 21, 2024, 2:16:45 PM6/21/24
to munki-discuss
After sitting in on Bart Reardon’s workshop on SwiftDialog at MacDevOpsYVR this week, I was inspired to update the UI used when MunkiStatus displays over the loginwindow, and when Managed Software Center does “aggressive notifications”. The current behavior is to dim everything behind the MunkiStatus/MSC window:

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 10.39.47 AM.png

The user cannot click or interact with windows or the Desktop behind the MSC window, and is “incentivized” to interact with the MSC app to install updates. The change I am proposing is to instead _blur out_ everything behind the MSC/MunkiStatus app:

Screenshot 2024-06-21 at 10.40.10 AM.png

This is more consistent with other macOS behavior like the Setup Assistant, the Migration Assistant, and the new “forced” Automated Device Enrollment introduced in macOS Sonoma. SwiftDailog (obviously) can do this, and I beleive Nudge can do this as well.

Actual _behavior_ is the same. Other than the appearance change, the only other change of note is that with the blurred background, the menu bar is also not accessible, which seems fine.

I’ve shown this proposed new behavior to several Munki admins (and users) at MacDevOpsYVR this week, and the reaction has been positive.

Feedback and reactions appreciated.


Jun 21, 2024, 2:19:42 PM6/21/24
to munki-discuss
I'll add my voice to those who like it.

Eric Holtam

Jun 21, 2024, 2:50:12 PM6/21/24
to munki-discuss
While both are effective, I like the blur change. 
Consistency with the OS UI makes a lot of sense for UX.
Blurring is a much clearer way to indicate what is in focus. A clear, but dark, background makes it seem like the items in the back are still accessible.  Blurred out clearly indicates that they are not.


Elliot Jordan

Jun 21, 2024, 3:30:19 PM6/21/24
to munki-discuss
+1, I like the blurring proposal.

Mat X

Jun 24, 2024, 3:56:38 PM6/24/24
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