Completely uninstall munki on a client + related Apple Software Update issue

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David Vandenborn

Jun 29, 2012, 11:53:23 AM6/29/12
I'm still learning Munki as I go along.

I've put together a workflow where Munki gets bootstrapped to a new MacBook Pro using DeployStudio.
Once Munki's done, I want to delete all of its components.

These MacBook Pros are to be sold to our students and don't need any management once they're sold.

I let Munki remove itself as a managed_uninstall item that I've put at the bottom of the manifest.
The first thing Munki does when it starts is to uninstall itself. After that, it will however install all the other items in the manifest.

Once done, not all Munki components got removed.
The /Library/Managed Installs folder with all of its components is still there as well as /usr/local/munki/munkilib.

This isn't a priority for me but it'd be nice if there's a way to remove them.

Now, I've got another issue related to the above mentioned Munki uninstall.
I also want Munki to install the available Apple Software updates. This does not happen when Munki is instructed to uninstall itself.

Is there a way to prioritize Munki's uninstall so that this happens after Munki's done with the Apple Software updates?

David Vandenborn

Greg Neagle

Jun 29, 2012, 12:03:00 PM6/29/12
I'm not at all certain Munki can successfully uninstall itself.

See for cleanly removing Munki.

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