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The Next Flame

by Penelope Douglas




Download Or Read Here =>The Next Flame


Synopsis : Together in one volume for the first time, New York Times bestseller Penelope Douglas?s two bestselling novellas in the Fall Away Series, full of intense emotion and smoking-hot passion... AflameTatum Brandt finally has everything she wants. Acceptance to medical school, a circle of friends she would never replace, and contentment that every day is now hers. All through high school, Jared Trent called the shots. He decided if she would be happy or sad, fearful or free. He owned her heart, and he played with it like one of his cars. Never again. Two years ago, Jared left town, and Tate?s life is exactly where she wants it to be. Or that?s what she tells herself? Because two years ago, her heart also stopped beating, and no matter the success in school or the support of her friends, there?s only one time every week she can feel that same rush in her blood: Friday nights on the track. That?s hers, not his, and to hell with anyone that gets in her way again. Especially him.Next to


Details :

Author : Penelope Douglas

Pages : 480 pages

Publisher : Berkley Books

Language :

ISBN-10 : 0399584935

ISBN-13 : 9780399584930

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