Corriere Della Sera

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Analisa Wisdom

Jan 15, 2024, 8:49:32 PMJan 15
to mulmecusen

Corriere della Sera (.mw-parser-output .references .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .infobox .IPA-label-small,.mw-parser-output .navbox .IPA-label-smallfont-size:100%Italian pronunciation: [korˈrjɛːre della ˈseːra]; English: "Evening Courier") is an Italian daily newspaper published in Milan with an average circulation of 246,278 copies in May 2023.[1] First published on 5 March 1876, Corriere della Sera is one of Italy's oldest newspapers and is Italy's most read newspaper. Its masthead has remained unchanged since its first edition in 1876. It reached a circulation of over 1 million under editor and co-owner Luigi Albertini between 1900 and 1925. He was a strong opponent of socialism, clericalism, and Giovanni Giolitti, who was willing to compromise with those forces during his time as prime minister of Italy. Albertini's opposition to the Italian fascist regime forced the other co-owners to oust him in 1925.[2][3]

A representative of the moderate bourgeoisie,[4] Corriere della Sera has always been generally considered centre-right-leaning, hosting in its columns liberal and democratic Catholic views. In the 21st century, its main competitors are Rome's la Repubblica and Turin's La Stampa.[5] Until the late 1970s and early 1980s, when the country underwent a nationalization process, Corriere della Sera and La Stampa were not real national daily newspapers, as their geographical area of circulation was mostly limited to Lombardy for Corriere della Sera and Piedmont for La Stampa; thus, both papers shared a readership that was linked to its place of residence and its social class, mostly from the industrialist class and financial circles.[6] Alongside il Giornale, la Repubblica, and La Stampa, it is one of the main national newspapers in Italy.[7]

corriere della sera


Corriere della Sera was first published on Sunday, 5 March 1876,[8] by Eugenio Torelli Viollier [it].[9] In 1899, the paper began to offer a weekly illustrated supplement, La Domenica del Corriere ("Sunday of the Courier").[10] In the 1910s and 1920s, under the direction of Luigi Albertini, Corriere della Sera became the most widely read newspaper in Italy, maintaining its importance and influence into the present century.[9] It was Corriere della Sera that introduced comics in Italy in 1908 through a supplement for children, namely Corriere dei Piccoli ("Courier of the Little Ones").[11]

The newspaper's headquarters has been in the same buildings since the beginning of the 20th century, and therefore it is popularly known as "the Via Solferino newspaper", after the street where it is still located. As the name indicates, it was originally an evening paper. During the Fascist regime in Italy, Corriere della Sera funded the Mussolini Prize, which was awarded to the writers Ada Negri and Emilio Cecchi, among the others.[12] Mario Borsa, a militant anti-fascist, was appointed the editor-in-chief of Corriere della Sera in May 1945;[13] the next year, the paper was relaunched as Il Nuovo Corriere della Sera, a name that it kept until 1959, to distance itself from its support of Fascism.[14] Borsa was fired because of his political leanings in August 1946 and was replaced by Guglielmo Emanuel, a right-wing journalist.[13] Emanuel served in the post until 1952.[13]

In the 1950s, Corriere della Sera was the organ of the conservative establishment in Italy and was strongly anti-communist and pro-NATO.[13] The paper was functional in shaping the views of the Italian upper and middle classes during this period.[13] The owners of the Corriere della Sera, the Crespi family,[15] sold a share to the RCS MediaGroup in the 1960s and was listed in the Italian stock exchange. Its main shareholders were Mediobanca, the Fiat group, and some of the biggest industrial and financial groups in Italy. In 1974, the RCS Media moved on to control the majority of the paper.[16][17]

During the early 1980s, Alberto Cavallari was the editor-in-chief of the paper.[15] In 1981, the newspaper was laterally involved in the Propaganda Due scandal when it was discovered that the secret Freemason lodge had the newspaper's editor Franco Di Bella and the former owner Angelo Rizzoli on its member lists. In September 1987, the paper launched the weekly magazine supplement Sette, which is the first in its category in Italy.[18][19] From 1987 to 1992, the editor-in-chief of Corriere della Sera was Ugo Stille.[20]

The 1988 circulation of Corriere della Sera was 715,000 copies, making it the second most read newspaper in Italy.[21] The paper started its Saturday supplement, IO Donna, in 1996.[22] In 1997, Corriere della Sera was the best-selling Italian newspaper with a circulation of 687,000 copies.[23] Corriere della Sera had a circulation of 715,000 copies in 2001.[24] In 2002, it fell to 681,000 copies.[16] In 2003, its then editor Ferruccio de Bortoli resigned from the post.[8] The journalists and opposition politicians stated that the resignation was due to the paper's criticism of Silvio Berlusconi.[8]

In 2004, Corriere della Sera launched an online English section focusing on Italian current affairs and culture. That same year, it was the best-selling newspaper in Italy with a circulation of 677,542 copies.[25] In May 2007, the paper's website was listed 15th among the top 30 brands of the month in Italy, with over 4 million unique visitors, and behind only la Repubblica among daily newspapers;[26] during the same month, the paper had sold about 594,000 copies compared to the circa 566,000 copies of la Repubblica.[27] Its circulation in December 2007 was 662,253 copies;[8] excluding digital copies, its circulation in December 2013 was 99,145 copies.[28] By 2015, the paper had the country's highest circulation at about 308,000 copies.[4] One of the most visited Italian-language news websites, attracting over 2,4 million readers every day in July 2019,[29] the online version of the paper was the thirteenth most visited website in the country in 2011.[30]

In 2004, Angelo Agostini [it] categorized Corriere della Sera as an institution daily (quotidiano-istituzione), alongside La Stampa, in contrast to the agenda daily (quotidiano-agenda) like la Repubblica, and the activist daily (quotidiano-attivista) like Il Foglio, Libero, and l'Unità.[31] On 24 September 2014, Corriere della Sera changed its broadsheet format to the Berliner format.[32] On 7 March 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, Corriere della Sera leaked a draft decree to put into lockdown several northern provinces particularly affected by the virus. The leaked news sparked a panic exodus to the south, and the threat of further contagion led to COVID-19 lockdowns in Italy.[33]

Terza pagina ("Third Page"), a one page-survey dedicated to culture, used to feature the main article "Elzeviro" (named after the House of Elzevir font originally used), which over the years published contributions from all the editors, as well as major novelists, poets, and journalists. On Monday, Corriere della Sera is published alongside L'Economia ("The Economy"), a weekly finance and business magazine. On Thursday, it is published with Sette ("Seven"), a current events magazine. On Sunday, it is published along with la Lettura ("The Reading"), a weekly literary supplement.

The Italian novelist Dino Buzzati was a journalist at the Corriere della Sera. Other notable contributors include Adolfo Battaglia,[34] Eugenio Montale, Curzio Malaparte, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Enzo Bettiza, Italo Calvino, Alberto Moravia, Amos Oz, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Guido Piovene, Giovanni Spadolini, Oriana Fallaci, Alessandra Farkas, Lando Ferretti, Brunella Gasperini, Enzo Biagi, Indro Montanelli, Giovanni Sartori, Paolo Brera, Francesco Alberoni, Tracy Chevalier, Goffredo Parise, Sergio Romano, Sandro Paternostro, Arturo Quintavalle, Roberto Gervaso, Alan Friedman, Tommaso Landolfi, Alberto Ronchey, Maria Grazia Cutuli, Camilla Cederna, Marida Lombardo Pijola, and Paolo Mieli.

Il Corriere della Sera è uno storico quotidiano italiano, fondato dal napoletano Eugenio Torelli Viollier a Milano nel 1876 con una diffusione media di 246.278 copie nel maggio 2023.[11] Pubblicato da RCS MediaGroup, è il primo quotidiano italiano per diffusione[6] e per numero di lettori.[12] Il suo slogan è: La libertà delle idee.

Un giornale con la denominazione Corriere della Sera, fondato dal ventitreenne Giuseppe Rovelli, fu pubblicato a Torino nel 1866, ma dopo solo due numeri (1º agosto e 2 agosto) il quotidiano cessò le pubblicazioni per mancanza di fondi[13].

Il Corriere della Sera nacque nel febbraio del 1876 quando Eugenio Torelli Viollier[14], direttore de La Lombardia, e Riccardo Pavesi, editore della medesima, decisero di fondare un nuovo giornale.[15]

Il primo numero venne annunciato dagli strilloni in piazza della Scala alle 21 di domenica 5 marzo 1876[16], con la data del 5-6 marzo. La doppia data indicata consentiva la validità del giornale per il pomeriggio del primo giorno e la mattina del giorno seguente.[17] Per il lancio venne scelta la prima domenica di Quaresima (tradizionalmente quel giorno i giornali milanesi non uscivano). Il Corriere sfruttò quindi l'assenza di concorrenza; però, per non inimicarsi l'ambiente, devolse in beneficenza il ricavato del primo numero. La foliazione era di quattro pagine, stampate in 15 000 copie.

L'amministratore del giornale era il fratello di Eugenio, Titta Torelli[22]. Il giornale veniva fatto stampare da una tipografia esterna, che possedeva uno stanzone nei sotterranei della Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.

Proprio il 1878 fu un anno di svolta. Al principio dell'anno re Vittorio Emanuele II fu colto da un'improvvisa malattia che lo portò alla morte. Tutti i giornali italiani diedero ampio spazio all'avvenimento, ma dopo la sua morte tornarono a pubblicare le solite notizie. Torelli Viollier invece continuò a trattare la notizia della morte del re per un'ulteriore settimana. Ciò fece aumentare le vendite da 3 000 a 5 600 copie; le vendite salirono nel resto dell'anno fino a sfondare a dicembre quota 7 000 copie giornaliere. Nel consueto articolo di fine anno, che Torelli Viollier pubblicava prima delle festività natalizie, il direttore ringraziò i lettori e confermò il suo impegno a trattarli "non come avventori [...], ma come amici e soci in un'impresa comune, giacché come tali li consideriamo, e tali sono"[28].

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