muCommander 0.8.3 - call for translation

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Maxence Bernard

Oct 11, 2008, 5:12:57 AM10/11/08
Dear muCommander crew,

In these times of economic turmoil, when all we hear is stocks crashing and banks going bankrupt, I thought a new version of your favorite file manager would cheer everyone up! :)
The code has been running stable for a while and is now frozen, except for bug fixes or self-contained changes that will not endanger the overall stability of the application.

I'd like to point out that most of the new features in this release have been contributed by our growing team of developers, namely, Mariusz Jakubowski, Arik Hadas, Vassil Dichev and Ivan Baidakov. Many people have also helped tracking or squashing bugs. Kudos to everyone involved!

The full changelog can be found here .

A total of 49 new entries have been added to the dictionary. Entries that need your attention are marked with a "# Translation missing" line : you can search for 'Translation missing' in your favorite editor to easily locate them.
The latest dictionary file is located at : . 
Please note that you don't have to put your changes in a separate file, you can directly edit the dictionary file and send it to me, your changes will be merged auto-magically.

The target release date is set to October 20th. Could you please send your updates by then? Feel free to contact me if you have any question or if you think you can't make it.

Thank you once again for your work!


Maxence Bernard

Oct 21, 2008, 8:44:25 AM10/21/08
Hi all,
Thanks again for all your updates! Due to some last minute issues (murphy's law at it again), we've had to postpone the release -- we'll release tonight instead.

For those of you that couldn't send the update in time, please know that you can always send it after the release and we'll generate a new 0.8.3 build that includes it.

My best,
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