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Aug 3, 2008, 7:49:42 AM8/3/08
to mucommander-dev

I have added the multi-rename feature, it can be invoked using alt+f6.
The dialog box is similar to the one used in Total Commander. I have
some questions:
- do you have any idea how to make this dialog simpler for the end
- I have added a help button on this dialog, and now the help text in
English is hard coded in java file. If I would want to make this
translatable it would have to be moved to the dictionary.txt. But this
would be a lot of text to translate and should be split into several
entries (there are 9 lines of text). A better solution would be a help
system or a button that launches a wiki in the browser. Do you have
any suggestions?


Maxence Bernard

Aug 5, 2008, 4:47:15 PM8/5/08
to Mariusz Jakubowski,
Hi Mariusz, all,

> I have added the multi-rename feature, it can be invoked using alt+f6.
> The dialog box is similar to the one used in Total Commander. I have
> some questions:
> - do you have any idea how to make this dialog simpler for the end
> user?

I think there are ways to make this dialog more intuitive but more
about that in a following email, let me first answer your second

> - I have added a help button on this dialog, and now the help text in
> English is hard coded in java file. If I would want to make this
> translatable it would have to be moved to the dictionary.txt. But this
> would be a lot of text to translate and should be split into several
> entries (there are 9 lines of text). A better solution would be a help
> system or a button that launches a wiki in the browser. Do you have
> any suggestions?

I finally got around to implementing what had been discussed in this
post, i.e. a wiki-based context sensitive help :

The newly-added com.mucommander.ui.button.HelpButton component allows
to create a standard help button that opens a specific wiki entry in
the system's default browser.

For example,
new HelpButton(mainFrame, "CalculateChecksum")

creates a help button that spawns the following URL when clicked :

You can see the button in action by looking at the CalculateChecksum
dialog after a svn update, or simply by looking at the attached
screenshot :)

I suggest we use this standard button wherever help is needed. The
button's location should be consistent across the application and I
suggest we always place it at the bottom-right corner of the window.
This is the convention under Mac OS X and I believe it makes sense,
it's good to have it somewhere stable and but at the same time too

Note that the wiki backend is not ready yet but will be very shortly.
The plan is still to install Trac, with one wiki instance dedicated to
user documentation. I've had a chance to use Trac's wiki extensively
and it works well, very simple but it should be enough for our needs.

We can already start adding those help buttons across the application,
even if the corresponding wiki entries do not yet exist. Having the
links in place at least will give users a chance to help document.

Last but not least, I suggest we use the CamelCase convention to name
Wiki entries (

What do you guys think?


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