muCommander 0.8.4 - call for translation

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Maxence Bernard

Oct 5, 2009, 6:53:49 AM10/5/09
Dear muCommander team,

So we're on track for another release. After 501 commits and more than 65 tickets closed, we're happy to report that the 0.8.4 code is now frozen. Surely this release took longer than we expected, but it packs an ever-growing amount of features, enhancements and bug fixes as you can see in the change log.

A total of 59 new entries have been added to the dictionary. Note that the translation update process has changed quite a bit. We're now using Trac to better coordinate and ahem, keep track, of your updates. A ticket has been created for each localization and assigned to you. You should have received an email notification with a link to the ticket. If you didn't, you can find the ticket in the following list. You'll need to use your forums account to log in and update the ticket. If you don't have an account already, now is the perfect time to create one :) If you do, please email me your username, you may otherwise have trouble updating the ticket.

The target release date is set to October 19h. Feel free to let us know if you have any question or think you can't make it in time.

Thank you once again for your contributions!

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