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NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 13 Mar 1998 to 16 Mar 1998 - Special issue (#1998-183)

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Mar 16, 1998, 3:00:00 AM3/16/98

There are 5 messages totalling 619 lines in this issue.

Topics in this special issue:

1. SCOUT>< The Scout Report -- March 13, 1998
2. K12> Net-Mom News v2 n9
3. LISTS> NEW: weathermonitor - Discussions of weather monitoring
4. LISTS> CHANGE: Web Site Detective - MOVED - Resubscription Required
5. LISTS> Psych-Bitter-Humor Mailinglist


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:21:08 -0600
From: Gleason Sackman <>
Subject: SCOUT>< The Scout Report -- March 13, 1998

From: Scout Project <sc...@CS.WISC.EDU>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 3:30 PM
Subject: The Scout Report -- March 13, 1998

======== The Scout Report ==
======== March 13, 1998 ====
======== Volume 4, Number 45 ======
====== Internet Scout Project ========
==== University of Wisconsin ========
== Department of Computer Sciences ========

====== ====
== Index for March 13, 1998 ==
==== ======

1. Scout Reports for Social Sciences and Business & Economics, Network
Scout Report for Social Sciences
Scout Report for Business & Economics

2. Asteroid 1997XF11: Close Encounter in 2028?
One-Mile-Wide Asteroid to Pass Close to the Earth in 2028--HSCA
Asteroid Will Miss Earth by "Comfortable Distance" in 2028--NASA JPL
Discovery Observation of 1997XF11--UA Spacewatch
Near Earth Asteroid Tracking Home Page--NASA JPL
Astronomers Track Down Asteroids in Hubble Archive--STSCI

3. _1998 Guidelines for the Treatment of Sexually Transmitted Disease_--CDC
PDF version (118p.):

4. Biodiversity and Conservation

5. _Agriculture Fact Book 1997_--USDA [.pdf, 265p.]

6. Recent Case-Law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities
Multilingual access

7. gender Inn: Women's and Gender Studies Database
German version:

8. LETSNet--Michigan State University

9. Recommended Readings on the Ancient Near East--OI

10. Revealing Things--SI [Java, Javascript, ShockWave Flash]

11. The White House Millenium Program [RealPlayer]

12. World War II Poster Collection--Northwestern University

13. FinanceWise

14. Circuits--_New York Times_

15. The Ultimate 1998 Guide to Mutual Funds--_Money_

16. Iditarod International Dogsled Race
Iditarod 1998
Iditarod Supersite [RealPlayer]

17. TechKnow--PBS Kids

18. NetSearcher: The Search Engine for Internet Professionals--Mecklermedia

19. Macromedia Fireworks Beta--Web Graphics Design Tool [ShockWave]

====== ====
== Subscription and Contact Information ==
==== ======

For information on subscribing to the Scout Report, send email to:
In the body of the message type:
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====== The Scout Report
====== Brought to You by the Internet Scout Project
The Scout Report (ISSN 1092-3861) is published every Friday of the year
except the last Friday of December by the Internet Scout Project,
located in the University of Wisconsin-Madison's Department of Computer

Managing Editor Susan Calcari
Editor Jack Solock [JS]
Production Editor Jeannine Ramsey [JR]
Contributors Teri Boomsma [TB]
Michael de Nie [MD]
Aimee D. Glassel [AG]
Kathy Harris [KH]
Christopher Lukas [CL]
Thiam Hee Ng [THN]
Laura X. Payne [LXP]
Michael Roszkowski [MR]
Amy Tracy Wells [ATW]

Copyright Susan Calcari, 1994-1998. Permission is granted to make and
distribute verbatim copies of the Scout Report provided the copyright
notice and this paragraph is preserved on all copies. The InterNIC
provides information about the Internet to the US research and education
community under a cooperative agreement with the National Science
Foundation: NCR-9218742. The Government has certain rights in this material.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in
this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily
reflect the views of the University of Wisconsin - Madison, the National
Science Foundation, AT&T, or Network Solutions, Inc. ==


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:21:22 -0600
From: Gleason Sackman <>
Subject: K12> Net-Mom News v2 n9

From: Jean Armour Polly <>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 3:49 PM

N E T - M O M N E W S
March 13, 1998 Volume 2 Number 9
Welcome back! This week we're publishing a few days early so that you'll be
able to celebrate Pi Day, which occurs 3/14. You'll find some blarney about
St. Patrick's Day, too, as well as a heartwarming story about rescued
greyhounds. Read about the new cybertip line to report child porn and
predators, and check the new PBS site to get your "web license." Want to
contact a children's author? Here are some ideas. Finally, the Pollywood
duck flock has begun to lay eggs.

Net-mom's book, The Internet Kids & Family Yellow Pages, Second Edition, is
carefully maintained. When a site moves, we look for it on the Net, and
update our database. If you own a copy of the book, and find out that
something we've listed doesn't work, you can search for recent changes here

1. Net-mom's Nice Site of the Week
2. This Week's Net News for Parents
3. Ask Net-mom
4. Here at Pollywood Farm

1. Net-mom's Nice Site of the Week
A Wee Bit O' Fun
Billy Bear's St Patrick's Day Page
Heather's happy St. Patrick's Day Page

They say that on St. Patrick's Day, everyone is Irish! Come join the parade
as you "March" through these sites to find answers to questions like: Are
potatoes Irish? Why do people kiss the Blarney Stone? Learn more about the
legend of St. Patrick, along with other Celtic lore. If you think the
shamrock is the official emblem of Ireland, guess again. It's the harp, a
favorite musical instrument in Ireland, dating back hundreds of years.

2. This Week's Net News for Parents

Celebrate Albert Einstein's Birthday and Pi Day March 14
Pi is that endless mathematical number which helps us understand the
relationship between the circumference of a circle and its diameter. You
may think of it as about 3.14159... but the number keeps going and going
and, well, you get the idea. Lots of people are fans of pi, and they have
created a holiday in its honor. On 3.14 at 1:59 you can sing the following
carol to the tune of "O Christmas Tree":
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
Your digits are unending,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
No pattern are you sending.
You're three point one four one five nine,
And even more if we had time,
Oh, number Pi
Oh, number Pi
For circle lengths unbending.
For the second verse, and more carols, do stop in here

What other things can you do on Pi Day? How about a pi poster contest, a
pie-eating contest, or a pi memorization contest? There are special clubs
you can join if you memorize 100 digits of pi, and there are plenty of
tricks to help you do that. Memory not that good? There's one that requires
you know only the first 30! You can find all that and more at the
Uselessness of Pi pages

The Exploratorium, a San Francisco science museum, celebrates Pi Day every
year, last time they did a "ridiculously-enhanced" web page about it
<>. You can watch a ticker count off
the first hundred decimal places of pi as you click on the remote control
buttons and travel around the web, visiting others fascinated by this
irrational lifestyle, er, number! Don't miss the "sacred Pi beads!"

There's a book called The Joy of Pi, and naturally, there is a companion
web site <> you might enjoy. Check out the links,
there's one that lets you search 10 million digits of pi for the occurence
of your birthdate, phone number, or street address.

PBS TechKnow Site Offers Kids Web Licenses, Kids Computer Camp Contest
PBS's new TechKnowsite <> tackles the
problem of cyberliteracy. What do you need to know to get your WWW driver's
license? You'll find activities which encourage kids to
examine--thoughtfully and thoroughly--the sites and advertisements they
encounter on the Web.

"The issue of safety on the Internet is one that we're asked about
frequently at PBS ONLINE, and we're glad to offer this new site in response
to these many requests," said Cindy Johanson, vice president of PBS ONLINE.
"Educating parents and children about what's on the Web is one of the most
important services we can provide."

One of the features is a ten question quiz. "Get Your Web License Here"
asks what information is safe to give out online as well as more technical
questions about domain names. Net-mom scored a 97! You can print out a
certificate once you have passed the test.

In the "You Be the Judge" section, kids are asked to pick a web site and
judge its content and design. We wish they had built fake web sites to
demonstrate what's good navigation and what isn't, what's annoying and
what's cool, what's authoritative and what's opinion. Instead they ask kids
to go out on the net and pick a site about animals and judge it on various
criteria. That's a mistake, we think.

You can enter a contest in the "Computers in My Future" area, and have a
chance to win a trip to an American Computer Experience (ACE) summer camp.
You have to write a short essay and create a web site, the deadline for
entries is April 15, 1998.

Online Baby Gift Registry Debuts
BabyTalk and Shop <> is an interesting way to
choose baby gifts for expectant parents near and far, but we found it is
not very secure when it comes to privacy.

Parents register online, setting up a profile which includes selections
from various electronic gift catalogs. You, the shopper, visit the main web
site and enter the parent's page by knowing either the first or last names
of either parent. Hmmm. We just put in one letter of the alphabet and came
up with a family's record.

But then we got a security screen that asked us for the state the family
lived in--and we just kept guessing until we got it. That took only five
tries. All of a sudden we had the names of the parents and their expected
due date. Hmmm, not very private at all. :-(

We scrolled through the family's selections. They wanted child proof
cabinet locks, VCR locks, rear-view mirrors for the car, and other items.
We could have purchased these items, they would have been shipped directly
to the family.

Once the baby is born you can place its photo on the family home page.
There are also parent chat areas as well as parenting and other advice.

This site is produced by "BabyTalk," a baby magazine from The Parenting
Group, a division of Time Inc. It is co-produced by Internet Gift
Registries, Inc. They do the same sort of thing for wedding registries at
The Wedding Network <>.

CyberTipline Launched To Combat Child Sexual Exploitation On The Internet
This week United States Senators Judd Gregg (R-NH) and Ernest Hollings
(D-SC) joined officials from the National Center for Missing and Exploited
Children (NCMEC), U.S. Departments of Justice and the Treasury, and a
coalition of Internet service providers to launch a new CyberTipline. It
serves as a national clearinghouse for tips and leads regarding the sexual
exploitation of children in cyberspace. Anyone may report incidents of
suspicious or illegal Internet activity, including the distribution of
child pornography online or situations involving the online enticement of
children for sexual exploitation.

To make a report, simply visit the Center's website
<> or call your report into the
Center's toll-free 24-hour tipline at 1-800-843-5678. For more information
on the site, please contact the Center's Office of Public Affairs at

"This CyperTipline is a critical step toward enhanced child safety. It
empowers parents to take immediate action and it complements the industry's
position of 'zero tolerance' for the exploitation of children using this
medium. All of us in the Internet community are committed to the Tipline's
success," said Steve Case, chairman and chief executive officer of America

The CyberTipline is a public-private partnership. Supporters include
America Online, AT&T, the Commercial Internet eXchange Association, the
Interactive Services Association and Microsoft. Computer Associates helped
to build and engineer the Center's Website and the new CyberTipline. Sun
Microsystems has provided the network expertise and donated the servers
that power the system.

Adopted Greyhound Reunited with Littermate Via Internet and Caring Folks
Racing greyhounds often have a hard life. After two or three years on the
track circuit, their best racing days are over, and sadly, they are often
destroyed. Lots of people think this is too bad, and they try to find homes
for these gentle giants. Net-mom's friend Marvin Arrington and his wife
adopted a greyhound they named Racer. This is their story:

"We adopted Racer through Greyhound Friends of NC, which is the second most
active adoption group in the country. I can't say enough about the group or
our Racer boy. If the wonderful temperament and intelligence of these dogs
was widely known, none would be 'put down' at retirement."

"I began considering adoption after observing a Meet and Greet in a local
park. Fifteen or so greyhounds, swarmed by children and curious adults,
simply basked in the attention without the first bark or

"Already trained to potty outside of his living quarters, and very
attentive to verbal commands, Racer almost immediately became a much loved
and very appreciative family member. Craves human company, especially good
with children. They have been bred for gentleness for centuries. 'A Breed
Apart' e-zine is a good source of information about this remarkable breed:

"I recently found this remarkable Greyhound site:
<>. I found my Racer's complete track
record with comments about his performance in each race, times etc."

"Also found (in the National Greyhound Association database) his siblings'
names as well as his Sire and Dam (Kail and Dutch Yvonne) with lots of
information about each. After posting inquiries about his littermates to a
Greyhound list, I got an immediate response from an adoption group that was
holding Racer's brother, Golden Earring, for adoption. The kennel sent a
picture that looks exactly like Racer except for color--very same build and
face in a breed that has many variations. The description of his
temperament was further evidence of their being relatives."

"After posting his sire's name to the list, I received an e-mail from
Racer's trainer and caretaker throughout his racing career. A very nice
man, Cary Alsobrook, who takes great pride in the good treatment of his
charges and the positive results he gets on the track with healthy
greyhounds. We knew that Racer had never been mistreated because of his
great disposition and playfulness."

"Talked with my two 'furless' children in a private chat room last night
and they were delighted to hear of the discoveries made about their furry
'sibling.' My son wants to adopt Golden Earring. What a saga of families
reunited this could be. We will continue searching. Sorry to be so long
winded, but thought you may be intrigued by the type of info available
about a dog."

Net-mom is thrilled about this whole story! Marvin kindly agreed to let us
share it with our readers! In a day or so be sure to check out the online
edition of Net-mom News to see a photo of Racer! (See below for online URL.)

3. Ask Net-mom- YOUR question could be answered here soon!
A reader writes:
"I am a third grade teacher and I love your Internet Kids Yellow Pages!"

"I have my students do lots of writing to authors but lately we have been
frustrated by having our letters returned when we write in care of the
publishers. Your book does contain some web sites that deal with authors.
What I want to know is if there is a web site that lists authors of
children's books and gives addresses where letters can be sent to them.
Typing in the author's name on a word search usually gives me information
about an author but not where I can write to them."

Net-mom answers:
I'm surprised the publisher is returning the letters, I wonder if the
authors know about that? I'd be annoyed if my publisher did that. :-(

I like David Brown's exemplary web site on children's literature. He lists
official and unofficial author pages here (warning, takes a long time to
load) <>. The list does
contain some suggestions on where to write to authors, including a link to
the Internet Public Library, where you can often send e-mail to their
featured authors.

Here's another idea--you might try participating in an online chat--and ask
these authors if they respond to letters from fans. For example, Random
House Children's Publishing just announced an Internet Author Chat Series,
developed in conjunction with Talk City (on the Web) and Parent Soup (on

All chats run on Wednesday nights from 8-9 p.m., EST, March 18th through
May 20th, alternating every week between Talk City and Parent Soup.

>From the press release: "By taking part in the scheduled chats, teachers,
parents and kids can talk directly to their favorite authors and
illustrators online to find out information and even share their own
feedback about the books. Participating authors include: Mary Pope Osborne,
author of The Magic Tree House books; Barbara Park, author of the Junie B.
Jones series; Jack Prelutsky, well known children's poet and co-author of
Hooray For Diffendoofer Day!, a new Dr. Seuss title; Stan & Jan Berenstain,
authors and illustrators of The Berenstain Bears books; and Sally Warner, a
popular fiction writer for middle grade readers and author of Dog Years,
Some Friend and the upcoming release, Sort of Forever."

The Talk City <> Web chats are focused on
teachers. Information about the series can be found at Teachers@Random,
<>. The schedule of author appearances is as

March 18 -- Barbara Park
April 1 -- Mary Pope Osborne
April 15 -- Sally Warner
April 29 -- Jack Prelutsky
May 13 -- Stan and Jan Berenstain

The Parent Soup (keyword: Parent Soup) America Online chats are geared
towards parents and children. Information about the series can be found at
Kids@Random <>. The schedule of author
appearances is as follows:

March 25 -- Barbara Park
April 8 -- Mary Pope Osborne
April 22 -- Jack Prelutsky
May 6 -- Sally Warner
May 20 -- Stan and Jan Berenstain

4. Here at Pollywood Farm
The ducks think it's spring, they started laying eggs!!! Although this will
be great for Easter-egg coloring and baking, it won't be so great if they
start trying to hatch out ducklings this early!

You might think duck eggs taste strong, but ours have less flavor than
chicken eggs we buy at the store. You have to bake with them or make an
omelette with peppers and cheese to give flavor. Our Indian Runner ducks
lay light green or cream-colored eggs. They are tough to break (I have
heard all waterfowl eggs are like this, they have a strong membrane) and
have a crystal clear white. They also have HUGE yolks!

The females lay one egg a day from spring until they go into moulting
season in the mid-summer. They can't grow back their feathers and lay eggs
at the same time, takes too much energy. Once the ducks start to get broody
and sit on their eggs we'll let you know how it's going.

But for now----
Attention everyone, the Internet is closing! Please go play outside!

Copyright 1998 Jean Armour Polly. All rights reserved.
Author, The Internet Kids and Family Yellow Pages, 2nd Edition
Osborne McGraw-Hill (June 12, 1997)

Net-mom News is FREE!
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Then click on "Current Issue."

Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint information from
Net-mom News if full credit is given to the source. Others please contact

Net-mom is a registered service mark of Jean Armour Polly.
Product and company names mentioned may be registered trademarks owned by
their respective companies.


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:21:38 -0600
From: Gleason Sackman <>
Subject: LISTS> NEW: weathermonitor - Discussions of weather monitoring

From: Todd Hoff <>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 3:56 PM
Subject: NEW: weathermonitor - Discussions of weather monitoring

weathermonitor via Weather Monitoring

weathermonitor is an open, unmoderated discussion list featuring
weather monitoring. Topics on the list are weather monitoring
equipment, system setup, sharing data, and anything else related
to monitoring weather.

Archives of weathermonitor mail items are kept at

To subscribe, go the following URL
and subscribe to the list.

Owner: Todd Hoff


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:21:50 -0600
From: Gleason Sackman <>
Subject: LISTS> CHANGE: Web Site Detective - MOVED - Resubscription Required

From: todd a. zaenglein <>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 5:23 PM
Subject: CHANGE: Web Site Detective - MOVED - Resubscription Required

Web Site Detective has changed list servers. If you have previously
subscribed, please re-subscribe using the new listserver.


The Web Site Detective is a FREE weekly email newsletter. Every week we
tell you about 5 to 10 neat web sites. We will also give you the
address to visit these sites for yourself.

To join in all the fun click below:

Owner: Victoria Zaenglein


Date: Mon, 16 Mar 1998 09:22:00 -0600
From: Gleason Sackman <>
Subject: LISTS> Psych-Bitter-Humor Mailinglist

From: Lawrence Wiley <>
Date: Friday, March 13, 1998 6:15 PM

Announcing a weekly moderated list containing bitter humor on
psychology, psychiatry and their practitioners. Send email to with the following message without quotes,
"info psych-bitter-humor" for information on the list, or "subscribe
psych-bitter-humor" to subscribe to the list.

Lawrence Wiley
List Owner


End of NET-HAPPENINGS Digest - 13 Mar 1998 to 16 Mar 1998 - Special issue (#1998-183)

0 new messages