On Tuesday Oct 24 2017, nils schween wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> do you know if it is possible to always sign e-mails in a specified context.
> For example, I have defined a work context and I would like to sign every
> mail I compose or everytime I am answering an email.
> Is there a variable which i can set in the context part of my
> configuration, as for example the variable related to the signature:
> ( mu4e-compose-signature-auto-include . nil)
You can use e.g. mu4e-compose-mode-hook and have it check for the
current context (`mu4e-context-current'), and based on its value set up
one of the hooks mentioned earlier in this thread.
Good luck!
Dirk-Jan C. Binnema Helsinki, Finland
e:dj...@djcbsoftware.nl w:
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