Simple spam filtering setup?

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Mikael Andersson

non lue,
10 nov. 2016, 17:52:5310/11/2016
à mu-discuss

Can someone please share some code for a spam filtering setup? I am quite new to mu4e and I am certainly not a Lisp expert. I do like mu4e so far but there are some things I would need to resolve, such as spam filtering, before I am satisfied with a basic setup. I suppose one should use the spam functions in the module mu4e-contrib?

Apart from marking spam, after training the spam filter, how do I setup so that spam is automatically identified?



Eduardo Mercovich

non lue,
11 nov. 2016, 07:08:2511/11/2016
à Mu Discuss

Hi Mikael.

While I'm not an expert at all, I believe that span processing is outside mu4e, coupled with some mbsync/offlineimap post processing...

eduardo mercovich

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Mikael Andersson

non lue,
11 nov. 2016, 18:38:4211/11/2016
à mu-discuss
Thanks for your reply Eduardo.

How do you manage your spam filtering, i.e. what code are you using for handling marking and unmarking spam?

I have understood it as the spam filtering processing is made by an external tool, but you need a way to tell that external tool what is spam and what is not in order to train the tool. I would guess that there already is some code for this task since most, if not all, mu4e users manage spam. 

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Dirk-Jan C. Binnema

non lue,
12 nov. 2016, 05:53:1712/11/2016
Hi Mikael,

On Friday Nov 11 2016, Mikael Andersson wrote:

> Hi,
> Can someone please share some code for a spam filtering setup? I am quite
> new to mu4e and I am certainly not a Lisp expert. I do like mu4e so far but
> there are some things I would need to resolve, such as spam filtering,
> before I am satisfied with a basic setup. I suppose one should use the spam
> functions in the module mu4e-contrib?

Yeah, you can do that - check the doc-strings and the examples in that
code, that should hopefully be enough to get you going.

> Apart from marking spam, after training the spam filter, how do I setup so
> that spam is automatically identified?

That's typically a job outside mu; e.g. I've been using
fetchmail/procmail for that. Using e.g. offlineimap it's not so easy to
setup spam-filtering; but perhaps you can rely on the mail-provider's
spam filtering (e.g. gmail does a pretty good job).

Kind regards,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema Helsinki, Finland
pgp: D09C E664 897D 7D39 5047 A178 E96A C7A1 017D DA3C

Mikael Andersson

non lue,
12 nov. 2016, 18:53:1512/11/2016
à mu-discuss

 mu4e-register-msg-as-spam in mu4e-contrib seems to almost do what I want, but I would like to move spam to a spam folder rather than deleting the message in case I accidentally mark anything wrong. The module does not seem to allow for this kind of customization. I suppose I have to do something myself here. Have I got this right?

It is a pity it is so complicated to setup spam filtering with offlineimap. mailfilter, presynchook

I have looked around a bit and right now I think I will try out this:

It will log in to the IMAP server and move spam to a Spam folder and after this I can invoke offlineimap. Since isbg uses Spamassasin, I will have to replace bogofilter with spamassasin in mu4e-register-as-spam-cmd. As I wrote above I will have to customize mu4e-register-msg-as-spam so that it does not delete messages but move them to the Spam folder. I think I will sort these things out, but I have to questions:

Does anyone know why I get the message "mu4e-register-msg-as-ham: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" when using the function mu4e-register-msg-as-ham?

Another question, which is a more general question: If I do not want to press a for Actions and then s for Spam, but define one key, should I use local-set-key for this and where do I get msg argument to pass to the function  mu4e-register-msg-as-spam?



Mikael Andersson

non lue,
13 nov. 2016, 12:03:2413/11/2016
à mu-discuss
Hi again,

Sorry. you can ignore:

"Does anyone know why I get the message "mu4e-register-msg-as-ham: Wrong type argument: stringp, nil" when using the function mu4e-register-msg-as-ham?"

I had forgotten to set mu4e-register-as-ham-cmd ...

My only question, which is not really spam filter related, now is just:

If I do not want to press a for Actions and then s for Spam, but define one key, should I use local-set-key for this and where do I get msg argument to pass to the function  mu4e-register-msg-as-spam?



Dirk-Jan C. Binnema

non lue,
13 nov. 2016, 12:23:2213/11/2016

On Sunday Nov 13 2016, Mikael Andersson wrote:
> My only question, which is not really spam filter related, now is just:
> If I do not want to press a for Actions and then s for Spam, but define one
> key, should I use local-set-key for this and where do I get msg argument to
> pass to the function mu4e-register-msg-as-spam?

Easiest is probably to us a keyboard-macro.

Kind regards,

Dirk-Jan C. Binnema Helsinki, Finland
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