Need Volunteers for Project to re-route Brown Trail on Sat. (5/29) at 10:00am

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May 27, 2021, 8:13:55 PM5/27/21
to Paul

Dear Friends of Trails,

I know it’s a busy weekend coming up for many of you, but I’ve got a quick bit of work that will keep several volunteers busy for an hour or so. 

Over the past several months, we’ve obtained all the necessary approvals to re-route the Brown Trail where it crosses Chicopee Row.  This trail goes from Brown Lane (off Watson Way) to Williams Barn and crosses Chicopee Row next to 210 Chicopee Row.  Right now, the trail from Brown Lane intersects Chicopee Row about 75’ south of the trail that goes to Williams Barn.  The re-routing plan is to have the trail go straight across Chicopee from the trail that starts at Williams Barn.  This will involve the removal of the high dirt shoulder on the west side of the road to provide a level area.  The trail will then angle over to the existing trail that goes to Brown Lane.  The new trail will rise with a constant slope up to the existing Brown Trail.  Before we can remove any dirt, however, we need to take down the stone wall that is there.  We will move the stones near to the existing Brown Trail.  Then, when the trail re-routing is completed sometime in the future, we will move the stones again to create a stone wall where the existing Brown Trail intersects Chicopee Row.

So if you are available to help, please park on the dirt driveway of 210 Chicopee Row at 10:00 on Saturday morning.  My car and trailer will be there.  Another landmark is the “Trail Crossing” sign on each side of Chicopee Row, about 100’ before the driveway.  You don’t need to bring any tools.  Just bring a pair of work gloves to protect your hands when you are handling the stones.

Thanks very much if you can help out for 1-2 hours on Saturday.

Happy Trails,



Home:  978-448-2813

Mobile:  978-302-9854


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