Hello, representatives of each institution.
The registration for the 2012 Summer ADI is now officially open!
The website for the registration is:
The website for the guide for the registration is:
But to avoid confusion, here is how you register:
1. Go on the website and click on 'Sign up'. then, as you do not have your
institution registered yet, you should register your institution first.
2. After that, you should click on 'Add team manager'to have your name and
your account(E-mail address) signed up.
3, An E-mail should be sent to your account for you to confirm.
4. After confirming, you can sign in and type in the number of participants
you wish to send to the ADI.
Remember, that this is merely a phase where we track how many participants
you wish to send, and after we grant you the slots and you make the payments
for the slots requested, you will be able to type in individual information.
One more important reminder for all of you:
We have decided that if we experience an overflow of participants, we would
terminate the registration earlier than it originally was meant to be open.
Thank you for your interest in the ADI.
13th ADI director, Seung-Hwan Hong.
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