Subtracting two Timestamp in single logs line

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Samya Maiti

Dec 2, 2019, 1:44:27 AM12/2/19
to mtail-users
Hi Team,

I have started working on a project that involves feeding data from REST logs as below to a monitoring stsrem like prometheus.

<Unique Rest RequestID>         <Client Name>         <API Name>         <Actual Request url>         <request serving start time: Mon Nov 25 23:51:04 PST 2019>       <request serving end time: Mon Nov 25 23:51:14 PST 2019>         <status of request :success or error>

I was suggested to use mtail for the use-case.

The questions am trying to answer are:-
  1. The number of total requests served irrespective of any condition.
  2. The number of total requests served filtered on <Client Name> or  <API Name> or <status of request>
  3. Time is taken to serve req on avg/quantile irrespective of any condition.
  4. Time taken to serve req on avg/quantile filtered on <Client Name> or  <API Name> or <status of request> 
Is there a way I can achieve the same in mtail? To be specific how do I do Subtracting of two timestamps <request serving start time> and <request serving end time> in mtail.


Jamie Wilkinson

Dec 15, 2019, 8:48:35 PM12/15/19
to Samya Maiti, mtail-users
You'll need mtail to count the events, and something else (like to do the aggregations.

As both timestamps are in the same log line, you can get your subtraction done pretty easily/

Once you have constructed the match pattern, you can answer the first two questions by incrementing a counter broken down by client, api, and status.  You can record the latency of the requests by client, api, and status in a histogram.

Then you';ll need to have Prometheus or something like it scrape these metrics and do the aggregations.

If I can assume some things about your log lines, then a program like:

counter requests by client, api, status
histogram latency by client, api, status buckets 1, 2, 4, 8

/.* (<?Pclient>\w+) (<?Papi>\w+) (<?Purl>.+) (<?start>\w{3} \w{3} +\d?\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \w+ \d+) (<?Pend>\w{3} \w{3} +\d?\d \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} \w+ \d+) (<?Pstatus>success|error)/ {
    latency[$client][$api][$status] = $end - $start

I expect you'll have to tune the regular expression to match your actual log line syntax.

Good luck!

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