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Counter is ZERO

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Michael Ignatovsky

Apr 28, 2022, 10:27:24 AM4/28/22
to mtail-users
Hi all, new to mtail, obviously.
I am running mtail v 3.0.0--rc48 on Linux

matil metrics show ZERO (0) for my very first line counter program (as borrowed from github)

counter lines_total
/$/ {

adding --logtostderr shows that 
- mtail loaded my program
- mtail parsed URL (log file)
-mtail is tailing the log file

And yet, even if I rename log file for a fresh start, my counter lines_total is 0.

Any help would be most welcomed.

Michael Ignatovsky

Apr 28, 2022, 6:17:10 PM4/28/22
to mtail-users
Update: log file was  just unstructured text and looks like mtail simply ignored it.
Adding few lines with what looks like timestamp followed by text made mtail react and all my counts work, including for unstructured part of the file.

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