apache log:
``` - - [14/May/2021:02:40:37 -0700] "GET /style/images/top_panel_slice.jpg HTTP/1.1" 200 323 "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/90.0.4430.72 Safari/537.36"
counter apache_http_requests_total by request_method, http_version, request_status
counter apache_http_bytes_total by request_method, http_version, request_status
/^/ +
/(?P<ip>\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+) / + #
/- / + # %l
/- / + # %u
/\[(?P<timestamp>\d{2}\/\w{3}\/\d{4}:\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2} (\+|-)\d{4})\] / + # %t
/"(?P<request_method>[A-Z]+) (?P<URI>\S+) (?P<http_version>HTTP\/[0-9\.]+)" / + # \"%r\"
/(?P<request_status>\d{3}) / + # %>s
/((?P<response_size>\d+)|-) / + # %b
/"(?P<referer>\S+)" / + # \"%{Referer}i\"
#/"(?P<user_agent>[[:print:]]+)"/ + # \"%{User-agent}i\"
/$/ {
strptime($timestamp, "02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700") # for tests
$response_size > 0 {
apache_http_bytes_total[$request_method][$http_version][$request_status] += $response_size
When I start mtail process
mtail -progs ~/mtail_progs/apache_test.mtail --logs /var/log/httpd/access_log -logtostderr &
I get following:
I0514 05:06:44.359932 8098 store.go:178] Starting metric store expiry loop every 1h0m0s
I0514 05:06:44.365800 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `3' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365856 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `8' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365912 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `referer' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365925 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `URI' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365936 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `ip' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365946 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `ip' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365957 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `URI' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.365967 8098 checker.go:253] declaration of capture group reference `referer' at apache_combined.mtail:9:1-3 appears to be unused
I0514 05:06:44.366232 8098 loader.go:246] Loaded program apache_combined.mtail
I0514 05:06:44.366432 8098 tail.go:259] Tailing /var/log/httpd/access_log
I0514 05:06:44.366616 8098 mtail.go:193] Listening on```
No apache_http_requests_total and apache_http_bytes_total metrics are exposed.
Where am I doing wrong?