Unexpected MTA bus alert informed entity format

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Samuel Cedarbaum

Sep 19, 2024, 9:03:56 AMSep 19
to mtadeveloperresources
Hi all,

I noticed that for the bus alerts GTFS RT feed, some alerts have their informed entities setup as follows:

  "informedEntity": [
{ "agencyId": "MTA NYCT", "trip": { "routeId": "M14D+", "directionId": 1 } },
 { "agencyId": "MTA NYCT", "trip": { "routeId": "M14D+", "directionId": 0 } } ],

I think this is an unexpected usage of the "trip" entity selector, since it does't refer to a trip instance but instead the full route, so I'd expect it to use the "route" selector in this case instead. Other alerts in the feed do use the "route" selector.

I think a lot of GTFS tools will unfortunately not handle this case since there is no tripID. Would it be possible to fix this or perhaps additionally add the "route" selector in such cases?


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