I was trying to list the tripHeadsign as part of the description of the train destination.
I got Unknown Destination for one tripHeadsign. {
tripId: '099800_C..N',
routeId: 'C',
stopId: 'A30N',
arrivalTime: '2024-05-27T21:14:26.000Z',
departureTime: '2024-05-27T21:14:26.000Z',
direction: 'Unknown',
tripHeadsign: 'Unknown Destination',
nyctTripDescriptor: 'No NYCT trip descriptor data',
nyctStopTimeUpdate: 'No NYCT stop time update data'
As opposed to other trains that list correct tripHeadsign {
tripId: '100300_C..N04R',
routeId: 'C',
stopId: 'A30N',
arrivalTime: '2024-05-27T21:26:06.000Z',
departureTime: '2024-05-27T21:26:06.000Z',
direction: 'Unknown',
tripHeadsign: '168 St',
nyctTripDescriptor: 'No NYCT trip descriptor data',
nyctStopTimeUpdate: 'No NYCT stop time update data'
I know other websites have been able to solve for this but is there some other information i'm missing or should be referencing?
Thanks in advace!