MTASBWY agency in static data?

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Michael D.

Oct 31, 2024, 3:22:45 PMOct 31
to mtadeveloperresources
Hi, fairly new to the GTFS data as a whole, but I was wondering if the informed entities' agency_id field from the subway service alert feed is supposed to be guaranteed a match in the corresponding static data?

Screenshot 2024-10-31 151630.png

The agency.txt file in seems to have one entry with agency ID of MTA NYCT and the documentation here seems to say that MTA NYCT is for buses:

Screenshot 2024-10-31 151928.png

Still trying to familiarize myself with the data, so I was just wondering if these were supposed to match up or if there is some other static data that has the MTASBWY agency?


Nov 19, 2024, 11:48:06 AM (13 days ago) Nov 19
to mtadeveloperresources
That is an internal identifier we use for the agency_id for the subway feed. Apologies for the confusion.
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