Calling API from client

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Jediah Katz

Oct 8, 2024, 9:02:15 AMOct 8
to mtadeveloperresources
Hi, I saw that in the terms and conditions it's prohibited to call the MTA API directly from the client. I'm working on the OpenData challenge -- is it possible to make an exception? 

Or at least, if I run out of time to stand up my own server, am I allowed to submit an app that calls the API from the client as long as I don't share it externally (and then I could get the server working before sharing it)?

Grisha Temchenko

Oct 9, 2024, 10:39:32 AMOct 9
to mtadeveloperresources
Which API exactly? You're probably okay for your challenge if it's a public API. You may run into issues if you try to publish your app, and if many people start using it, but as far as you're not overly loading our servers you should be okay.

Dillon Shen-Cruz

Oct 10, 2024, 12:55:43 PMOct 10
to mtadeveloperresources
In general, we do not want developers calling the MTA APIs directly from their clients, even for MTA's Open Data challenge. Our preference is that all developers find a solution that minimizes API calls and is mindful of our server load (e.g., storing the API results using a separate asynchronous script running locally, and then reading from those stored results in the client). Thank you!
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