Canceled trips using SIRI VehicleMonitoring

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Policy Bureau

Oct 30, 2024, 8:10:15 AMOct 30
to mtadeveloperresources

We are currently collecting bus data using the SIRI VehicleMonitoring call with the following base URL  - The developer website says canceled trip information can be recorded using either the /api/2/siri/stop-monitoring.xml or /api/2/siri/stop-monitoring.xml?version=2 paths, with the "2" between api/2/siri being the operative indicator.

Upon inspection of the data we've already recorded, canceled trip information has not been present. I want to know if the API paths only work with the SIRI StopMonitoring call, or can the same result be achieved using the same format with the SIRI VehicleMonitoring call.

Thank you.
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