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Racing donations

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MSSA Vice Commodore

May 7, 2024, 5:20:02 AM5/7/24
Racing members,

To anyone who maybe renewing their safety equipment this spring and has any old signal horns they maybe replacing, the racing program would gladly accept donations of partially used signaling devices. I have purchased a new horn and two new replacement air canisters for the program but donations are always better than spending club money. 

Also in preparation for next seasons (2025) race mark work party. Anyone with left over antifouling paint, we could use it for the race marks and moorings next season. If you have any please leave it in the boat yard shed/club house. Black paint too. 

As well as if anyone happens to come across small mushroom anchors (100#), we could use a few. Next season it looks like we will need to replace two, maybe 3 of them. They're beginning to get really rusted out. Race mark V is by far the worst, but i believe they will be ok this season. Im exploring other options for anchors if we I cannot source replacements. 

Looking forward to this years racing season! Thank you to everyone who has already donated their time and materials!!! It is greatly appreciated. 

Kenneth Nilsen
MSSA Vice Commodore
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