Hi everyone! I got some error on Mosquitto server which suggests it can't publish data from my sensor. Any idea how to fix this?
Denied PUBLISH from ttnhdl-xxxxxxxxxxx (d0, q2, r0, m1, 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/devices/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX/up', ... (432 bytes))
Sending PUBREC to ttnhdl-FBjXbqcoJsWtYaKz (Mid: 1)
Btw, I am using Mosquitto and already got the mosquitto.conf, jp.acl and
jp.pw running. What do you think causes this error? Is it something related to conf file or acl file?
I have this acl topic entries:
pattern $SYS/%c/devices/%c/up
pattern $SYS/%c/devices/%c/down
pattern $SYS/%c/devices/%c/activations