Using JavaScript to process MQTT messages that have been received

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Bruce Emsworth

Dec 15, 2017, 2:41:24 PM12/15/17
I am using PAHO MQTT javascript client to retrieve mesaages from an MQ queue and am trying to publish them on to a web page.

I can get it working with a single queue, but I am having problems with my JavaScript getting the program to branch based on what is in the payload.
Basically it is a RPi0 acting as an alarm with inputs from magnetic switches and a PIR. This currently publishes messages to a queue called "highmount/garageb/alarm" on a RPi3 and that is all working fine. I can use an MQTT monitor and see the messages being published as expected.

What I am trying is to do is get the web page to change an element of the web page based on the message content. The content is a series of strings - "top", "front", "back", "side", "PIR" and I want to change an element in the web page depending on what is received.

My JavaScript is poor! So any help would be gratefully received, even a link to an example that uses the message data this way would be great.

An extract of the code for a single queue & message is working and it is this ...

   <p> This is file garbalmsubXX.html</p>
   <p> It gets updates from the RPi</p>

   <table id="garageb">

   <tr>                                       <!--- Row 1 --->
   <td>MQTT Queue name is </td>
   <td colspan="2" id= "Queue_name"></td>     <!--- colspan is just for formatting --->
   <tr>                                       <!--- Row 2 --->
   <td>Status is </td>
   <td id="status"></td>                 <!---  This works if it the FIRST use --->

<script type="text/javascript">

    var clientID = "ID-" + Math.round(Math.random() * 1000);
    var client = new Paho.MQTT.Client("", 9001, clientID);  // updated to 203 and port 9001

    client.connect({onSuccess:onConnect});                      // Confirm connection on web page console right click and select "inspect element"

    client.onMessageArrived = function (message) {              // Pre defined function to receive messages
        console.log("Message arrived    "+ message.payloadString);
        console.log("Topic              "+ message.destinationName);
        document.getElementById("Queue_name").innerHTML= message.destinationName;
        document.getElementById("status").innerHTML= message.payloadString;

    function onConnect() {
        client.subscribe("highmount/garageb/alarm");             // Subscribe to queue - moved to within function

So now I am trying to branch based on the content of the message, and I can't get that working ....

    client.onMessageArrived = function (message) {              // Pre defined function to receive messages
        console.log("Message arrived    "+ message.payloadString);
        console.log("Topic              "+ message.destinationName);
        document.getElementById("Queue_name").innerHTML= message.destinationName;
        document.getElementById("status").innerHTML= message.payloadString;
        if "status" == "red" :
            var "Top" = "Alarm"
        else "status" == "green"
            var "Top" = "OK"
        if "status" == "front"
            var Front = "Front Door"

I have been looking for examples but most seem to just show how to get the messages to log onto the console log.

Can anyone suggest how to get this going?

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