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MQTT-SN Pass-Through Concept

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Dec 6, 2015, 4:02:33 AM12/6/15
to MQTT, Chris Oosthuyse, Marinus van Zyl
MQTT-SN Pass-Through Concept is proposed for very constraint networks.

1  Architecture
 - sensors on a multidrop RS485 or NCN5150 network;
(the sensors use the complete MQTT-SN message)
 - simple Lantronix or GPRS serial to UDP converter;
(the converter only puts the MQTT-SN message in UDP packet)
 - MQTT-SN gateway;
(the gateway must remember the location of the sensor in the IP network)
 - MQTT broker.

2 Advantages
 - low cost sensors on RS485 network is simple to install and wire;
(or NCN5150 is even simpler)
 - low cost and off-the-shelf serial to UDP converters available;
(stateless and no configuration)
 - complexity only in MQTT-SN gateway and maybe only one required in installation;
(remote service where GPRS is used)
 - features of MQTT available.

3 Challanges
MQTT-SN Pass-Through is it standard or are changes required?

Is there a standard way required to set MQTT-SN Gateway IP addresses so that no configuration is required?

Can we use the internet gateway to catch and redirect all messages on a certain port?

Do we need to configure and poll the converters?

Is the MQTT-SN gateway required?

4 Way forward
What is the next step?

Where can we document and discuss this?



Dec 11, 2015, 4:55:29 PM12/11/15
to MQTT,,
Is this off-topic for this list?

Please let me know where to ask this.

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