Android Bluetooth and Mqtt connection port clash on multiple connections

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Sumeet Pathak

Feb 9, 2017, 1:53:32 AM2/9/17
the scnerio is , i am able to connect upto 3 android devices through bluetooth .After that , closing these 3 bluetooth connections i.e closing the socket and closing the app , then use Mqtt to connect to 3 devices (mqtt implementation is already done on both master and client android devices , Mosquitto broker is on the master android device ) and all connections goes smooth. But after that again if i use bluetooth for communication , I am only able to connect upto 2 devices only i.e earlier multiple connections to 3 devices through bluetooth now reduced to 2 devices only. For more info , i would like to add that , once returing to bluetooth after Mqtt the multiple connections device limit stuck to 2 even after app and device reboot.

Melvin Mathew

Mar 23, 2017, 10:47:20 AM3/23/17
Are you using MQTT on bluetooth? Or is it working on WIFI\TCP?
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