Hi, I'm mqtt newer.
My project is notification in android from server.
I have some questions about MQTT.(I searched in google but I can't find result stisfied...)
1) MQTT is using 'polling'?
I know, client(android) sending packet (PINGREQ) to server for check alive.
When it is occured, client and server is connected consistently? or when sending packet, connect for a moment?
After first connect from client to server, never disconnected unless client sending DISCONENCT packet?
2) I can't see the subscribed Topis in Server?
I can't found where is Topis saved.
I think, it managed in file, but I can't found that.
How can I see Topis?
3) Client(android) can use WebSocket?
I'll using the server made by Java in Windows (I found the moquette) and Server will use WebSocket.
And my client(android) will using WebSocket, too. (But, not using webapp. No Javascript. In android background used Java)
But, I can't find the android example source used WebSocket. (In google, almost is webapp...)
Android is can not use mqtt with WebSocket? Anyone know that where is example source~?
Thanks for your concern.