Is there a difference between topics when beeing published from within or via bridge from outside

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Christian Glinkowski

Nov 24, 2018, 10:46:59 AM11/24/18
Hello Together,
i have an mqtt-network with about 10 sensors (ES8266-NODEMCU's) and a rasperry-pi as broker.
The broker bridges specific topics to the losant cloud where i do visualisation.
Everything works fine for more than a year so far.
Now i implemented callback-functions in my NODEMCU's to do stuff when a publish happens
in the command topic of the Losant-bridge ("losant/my_device_id/command").
So now the strange stuff beginns:
If i publish to this topic from my rasperry-pi using mosquitto, the NODEMCU's react as desired
and i do obsere the entire traffic also with mosquitto in a different terminal.
But if i publish to the same topic from the debug-interface at Losant wich is bridged to my local network
i can see the message (via my terminal) arriving in my network but none of my NODEMCU's responds.

So can anyone tell me if there is a difference between a publish to the same topic
from within the network compared to a bridged publish.

I dont see a difference but there must be one, i just dont understand

Any Help or hint would be appreciated

Ranjith Kumar Diraviyam

Dec 6, 2018, 3:07:28 AM12/6/18
From my understanding of your post, I believe you still have the bridging of the Raspberry pi in between. I believe the Mosquitto running on Raspberry is not forwarding the message form the cloud Broker to the Node MCU. You must check the Broker configuration for message forwarding. 

Hope this helps.
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