[Paho python] How to set Key store and Trust store with Paho python ?

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Seung Yul Baek

Feb 22, 2018, 5:26:44 AM2/22/18
Hi :-)

When I send MQTT data to the cloud server, I set my key store location and password and also I set Trust store location and trust store password. ( you can see my uploaded picture)

When I send data with Window Paho.exe, It works just fine.

but, what I want to do is that I want to send some sensor data to the cloud server through GPIO Pin of my raspberry pi. 

I think I need to build python scrip file to do that.

but, I can't find any functions to set key store location, Trust store location and trust store password on a python library. (https://github.com/eclipse/paho.mqtt.python)

Is there any way to Set trust store location and password through python script coding?

I need help.. thank you.
key and trust 1.JPG
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