Hi Ben,
I've never used the PHP SAM client, so I don't have first-hand
experience if this is possible.
That said, the sample code for a subscriber on the wiki -
http://mqtt.org/wiki/doku.php/php_sam - at first glance appears to
offer what you are after.
On 22 August 2012 02:23, Ben Hornshaw <
bhor...@prg.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Im new to all this and im trying to implement MQTT into my php program.
> the php file i run in the CLI is a constantly looping using a while(1).
> I would like to check for any messages that have arrived on the specified
> topics each time the while loop runs not block on the $conn=>received in SAM
> or $mqtt->proc() in phpMQTT waiting for one as this causes the loop to stop
> and possibly MQTT messages wont be received for hours.
> Is this possible??
> Thanks
> Ben
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