> The official name is "MQTT"
[per testimony]
> After 30 minutes of deliberation the OASIS MQTT TC voted a name for the
> OASIS M2M communications protocol. The official name is "MQTT"
>(instead of being spelled out).
Woohoo!... that's big. A name change... really?
I have not seen the OASIS MQTT TC meeting minutes, but I take the above report
at face value.
The name competitors were, IIRC:
a) Message Queue Telemetry Transport
b) Message Queuing Telemetry Transport
c) MQTT (acronym expansions forbidden)
d) something else
1) How successful will any attempt be to coerce people (us!) and Google to say "MQTT" and not
one of the alternatives a-d above? Difficult to turn a large ship....
a) I tried to encourage principals to have this naming issue addressed earlier, in comments
to the OASIS TC proposers, but IIRC. apparently it was not addressed/discussed/resolved
b) The FAQ from Andy Piper said this:
Message Queue Telemetry Transport, and that's the name
documented in Wikipedia and several other prominent authorities, based upon IBM's MQ
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mqtt "Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) is an open message protocol for M2M communications..."
[2013-05-16 7:06 EDT]
c) See Andy Piper at:
https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups=#%21topic/mqtt/NyArPMLuxsc"So the
MQ in MQTT derives from
MQSeries / WebSphere MQ (WebSphere Message Queue) therefore...
> What us the full name of MQTT: Message Queuing Telemetry Transport or Message Queue Telemetry Transport? I have seen both.
> Message Queue Telemetry Transport
2) Then later, also from Andy Piper:
"The design principles and aims of MQTT are much more simple and focused
those of AMQP — it provides publish-and-subscribe messaging
queues, in spite of the name) and was specifically designed..."
[?? does MQTT support queue management? Or not? - unsure -- if no queue management,
then what's the historic origin of "Q" in [M]
Q[TT] ? Inquiring minds want to know...
(Sez) "The design principles and aims of MQTT are much more simple and focused
than those of AMQP -- it provides publish-and-subscribe messaging
no queues, in spite of the name) and was specifically designed for..."
So, if (??) queue management is not part of the MQTT specification, maybe it's
an improvement to deprecateand anathematizew the competing Acronym expansions
and altgernately urge the adoption of MQTT
Hmmmm .... with "Q" unaddressed as of 2013-05-16 ?
But: I think I have seen proposals for adding facility to MQTT (v3.1 as published)
for several things, maybe including queue management... so?
Robin Cover
+1 (972) 296-1783