MPP Sleeper IP Message fails after AM server replacement

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Feb 6, 2021, 8:49:58 PM2/6/21
to MppDevices
Hi there, just wondering if anyone has seen anything like this.

My AM server died recently and I've switched to a new Samsung tablet.  Everything is working except my sleeper device is no longer able to get the IP message through to AM server.  

Below is the log captured from the serial port after waking the device.



MppSleeper BOOT! Reason = 5/Deep-Sleep Wake

MppServer restarted: Deep-Sleep Wake on SDK:2.2.2-dev(a58da79)/Core:2.7.2=20702000/lwIP:STABLE-2_1_2_RELEASE/glue:1.2-30-g92add50/BearSSL:5c771be
Device Configuration:
{"ssid":"Farley","uid":"807d3a41c500","MppVersion":"MppSleeper 1.6.0","Version":"MppArduino 1.11.6","NoMulticast":"true","IpMessage":"EVNT_MN_SLPR2","AwakeTime":"10","EarlySleep":"","NotifyType":"","EnablePin":"","WifiRetry":"","WifiActive":"","WifiPin":"","StaticIp":"true","SensorPin":"","ip":"","UseUdp":"","ButtonPin":"","ServerIp":"","OUTPUTIP":"","nm":"","gw":""}

heap=31568 at 0s, v=3.38, sleep in 10s

Wifi connected to Farley(50:6a:03:ae:58:2c) on ch=1
Wifi ip=, gw=, nm=
807d3a41c500 connected to 'Farley' at rssi=-68
OUT: STARTING: 807d3a41c500 as MppArduino 1.11.6 / MppSleeper 1.6.0...
OUT: RESTARTED: 807d3a41c500 - Deep-Sleep Wake
OUT: CONNECTED: 807d3a41c500 to 'Farley' at  rssi=-68
MppDevice MppArduino 1.11.6 / MppSleeper 1.6.0 / 807d3a41c500 is open and ready for business...
Notifying with {"location":"","state":"on","value":"3.38","firmware":"MppArduino 1.11.6/MppSleeper 1.6.0","group":"807d3a41c500","mac":"80:7D:3A:41:C5:00","udn":"MppSleeper_807d3a41c500"}...
Sent notification to (197 bytes sent)
Notifications sent.
Notifying with {"location":"","state":"unknown","value":"3.38","firmware":"MppArduino 1.11.6/MppSleeper 1.6.0","group":"807d3a41c500","mac":"80:7D:3A:41:C5:00","udn":"MppSleeper_807d3a41c500"}...
Sent notification to (202 bytes sent)
Notifications sent.
heap=29872 at 1s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 9s
heap=29872 at 2s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 8s
sendHttp to failed with -12 retry 3
heap=29864 at 3s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 7s
heap=29864 at 4s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 6s
sendHttp to failed with -12 retry 2
heap=29864 at 5s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 5s
heap=29864 at 6s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 4s
sendHttp to failed with -12 retry 1
heap=29856 at 7s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 3s
heap=29856 at 8s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 2s
heap=29856 at 9s, v=3.38, UPDATED, sleep in 1s

Wifi disconnected from Farley, reason 8 ASSOC_LEAVE

MikeP 4 MPP

Feb 6, 2021, 9:36:34 PM2/6/21
to MppDevices
My guess would be under settings/server/REST server - enable it by setting it to port 4030.  -12 is a timeout which means the server isn't accepting the connection.  If the port is enabled you can check it with a web browser by hitting your serverIp:4030, possibly the IP is wrong.

Chris McGaffey

Feb 7, 2021, 8:43:44 AM2/7/21
to MppDevices
Thank you Mike! I missed that in setting up the new server. All good now. 

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