How to play a MIDI file

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Sep 22, 2017, 11:56:49 PM9/22/17
The easiest way to play a MIDI file in Multiplayer Piano is by using Boss's MPPMidiPlayer Java program, which is specifically designed for playing MIDI files in MPP. Just enter a room name, select a MIDI file and play! The program connects as its own client, so you don't need to have a browser window open for it to work.(edited)
Note that this program consumes a lot of resources and is a little buggy. One issue is that it might not work on the first room-connect attempt. To ensure it works, first connect to some random room, then connect to the desired room.

Another way to play a MIDI file is by connecting a MIDI player to MPP's MIDI input through a virtual loopback MIDI port. This method is far more robust and efficient; you can do a lot of things with the MIDI I/O. It also works with World of Pixels Piano, PianoRhythm, and any other program that has a MIDI input. You will need: • A MIDI player program that can output MIDI, such as Synthesia, MIDITrail, or Piano From Above • A virtual MIDI port • A web browser that supports WebMIDI, such as Google Chrome or most Chromium derivates (Opera, Vivaldi, etc). Note that most other browsers (Firefox, Safari, Edge, IE, etc) do not support WebMIDI and the MIDI In/Out button will not do anything! First, set up a virtual MIDI port. • If you are on Microsoft Windows, download and install the loopMIDI software: Then create a port. (you only need one) • macOS already has a virtual MIDI loopback device called the IAC Driver, and you just need to enable it. To do that, open the Audio MIDI Setup application in Utilities. Go to Window -> Show Midi Studio, or press command + 2. Double-click the IAC Driver, and check "Device is online". • Ubuntu may already have a virtual MIDI port enabled. For more info you'll need to research. Verify that your ports are working by opening MPP in a WebMIDI-supporting browser (Chrome). You should see your MIDI ports in the MIDI In/Out menu. Now it's time to play! In your MIDI player program, connect the MIDI out to the virtual MIDI device. MPP will automatically connect to the MIDI device as input, and that's it! Now just play a file, and it should play in MPP. Remember to press Backspace to turn off sustain (release sustain pedal) so that the MIDI can release notes.

Dec 13, 2018, 9:43:29 AM12/13/18
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
Thanks! This was pretty helpful because the original link is down. :)

Apr 3, 2019, 5:53:12 PM4/3/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
This is Very Helpful!

May 30, 2019, 8:37:02 AM5/30/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum

not very helpful go be a master baiter and bait some fishy hores uwu :3

On Friday, September 22, 2017 at 11:56:49 PM UTC-4, Lamp wrote:

August Berchelmann

May 30, 2019, 4:24:54 PM5/30/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
um what
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Jun 8, 2019, 11:03:48 PM6/8/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
did you install java?


Jun 13, 2019, 9:25:19 AM6/13/19
Yes you need Java to open a .jar File

Am So., 9. Juni 2019 um 05:03 Uhr schrieb <>:
...did you install java?

On Thursday, May 30, 2019 at 8:37:02 AM UTC-4, wrote:

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Jun 13, 2019, 9:27:39 AM6/13/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
Yes you need Java to open a .jar File

Aug 6, 2019, 1:05:24 AM8/6/19
to Multiplayer Piano Forum
Yes, Ubuntu has a virtual midi port that mpp grabs (if permission is given in the browser, of course)
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