Hey there, Omni-Cricket!
I'm here, as usual, I'm just busy with *gasp* actual work. (I'm off
the clock for lunch at the moment.) The rain is annoying and dreary,
but having some work is great.
:::::::waves at all the silent, voyeuristic "lurkers" who have nothing
better to do than get their jollies out of monitoring this board
without being brave enough to participate::::::::::::
About the weather: I've honestly about had it with the climate here in
Muskegon. I am SO (Northern) California Dreamin' that in idle moments
I keep hatching various plots for moving out there. (The main missing
ingredient to pull up stakes is money, of course. It costs an extreme
amount to live out there with anything approaching the quality of life
you can get here on about 1/4 to 1/3rd of the income.) Salaries are
not enough more to make up for it, and going out there without a job
lined up would be suicidal without a year's worth of living expenses
in the bank. Last time I was out there for a while I had a place to
stay rent-free, which was nice. My former "hostel" is no longer
available, and with the economy a mess, I guess I'm just going to
dream for a while.
The plus for Muskegon over California is the lack of traffic and that
it's far easier to make friends. In Calif. to meet people you first
have to find people who speak English (which is NOT ubiquitous out
there) and then narrow those down to people who don't have a closed or
superficial mindset. If you've never lived any place but Muskegon, you
won't realize that in most places the people are far more stand-
Perfection would be able to import the weather and keep my friends
here, or move everyone I care about out there with me. :)
OK, head back in Muskegon. Work calls.