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Apr 30, 2009, 10:43:54 AM4/30/09
to mpolitics
Awfully quiet in here. I know there's a handful of lurkers around

Anyone else getting sick of all this rain? I walked the course last
night and by the time I got in my pants were stiff with mud.


Lake Shore Girl

Apr 30, 2009, 1:07:29 PM4/30/09
to mpolitics
Hey there, Omni-Cricket!

I'm here, as usual, I'm just busy with *gasp* actual work. (I'm off
the clock for lunch at the moment.) The rain is annoying and dreary,
but having some work is great.

:::::::waves at all the silent, voyeuristic "lurkers" who have nothing
better to do than get their jollies out of monitoring this board
without being brave enough to participate::::::::::::

About the weather: I've honestly about had it with the climate here in
Muskegon. I am SO (Northern) California Dreamin' that in idle moments
I keep hatching various plots for moving out there. (The main missing
ingredient to pull up stakes is money, of course. It costs an extreme
amount to live out there with anything approaching the quality of life
you can get here on about 1/4 to 1/3rd of the income.) Salaries are
not enough more to make up for it, and going out there without a job
lined up would be suicidal without a year's worth of living expenses
in the bank. Last time I was out there for a while I had a place to
stay rent-free, which was nice. My former "hostel" is no longer
available, and with the economy a mess, I guess I'm just going to
dream for a while.

The plus for Muskegon over California is the lack of traffic and that
it's far easier to make friends. In Calif. to meet people you first
have to find people who speak English (which is NOT ubiquitous out
there) and then narrow those down to people who don't have a closed or
superficial mindset. If you've never lived any place but Muskegon, you
won't realize that in most places the people are far more stand-

Perfection would be able to import the weather and keep my friends
here, or move everyone I care about out there with me. :)

OK, head back in Muskegon. Work calls.


Apr 30, 2009, 2:06:50 PM4/30/09
to mpolitics
I've been so busy straightening out an insurance mess (what the hell
does an insurance agent DO if *I* gotta do all the work???) Learned
never to post anything when extremely angry, and hooboy have I been

Rain, rain, rain.........but at least the droughty seasons we've had
the past several years seem to have ended.

Hey, Omni, wasn't it you who went to Italy? We didn't get a report,
> > GIMME SOME SUNSHINE DAMNIT!- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -


Apr 30, 2009, 9:44:45 PM4/30/09
to mpolitics
I popped in once or twice between Ebay bidding for a few seconds.
LOL! I won some cute things for my grandbaby. I got 10 nice
sundresses for $13.00 delivered. Two were healthtex, so I know they
weren't cheap. Also got 7 pairs of blue jeans and 4 jean skorts for a
whooping $18.00 delivered.

As for the rain - we been needing it for years. April showers bring
May flowers. :)

Oh got a letter from Mr Keep himself on my cancelling the paper. The
letter may have been a form letter, but my name was in the heading and
he did sign it. So I don't know????????? I did email him, left my
name, but not my address. Anyone else get a letter?

Mdancer over the years I found sometimes you have to be hot to get
their attention. I write my best stuff during. On insurance for my
house, I had a worthless agent. I had a tree take out a good 1/4 of
my roof or better. I was the one that fought Michigan Basic Insurance
over a three month period on almost daily long distance calling. That
year it poured during causing more damage. He reported that only a
few shingles were missing. He didn't even get on a ladder to look. I
had crushed rafters and upon me getting up on the roof found huge
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -

Lake Shore Girl

Apr 30, 2009, 10:08:30 PM4/30/09
to mpolitics
I have sent letters like that on behalf of former bosses. It's an easy
do with Microsoft Office; all the names and addresses go into an Excel
spreadsheet (or other database) and then you type up a letter. The
signature is dropped in from a file on the computer. (You have the
boss sign a piece of paper and then scan it as an image file, then
insert it in the appropriate place. If you have a color printer, this
can be done in blue, too.) Then you run the "mail merge wizard" and
voila, everyone gets a personalized letter that looks like it was
personally signed.

When I sent them, we dropped in other personal information too. "Thank
you for your letter on XXXX date and your check number XXX for

Easy, easy, easy do.


Apr 30, 2009, 11:31:46 PM4/30/09
to mpolitics
Hmph....I never got a letter from Mr Keep when I cancelled the paper.
But being one of "the people up there", we don't really count
anyways..... :D
Did get a postcard with a "new feature", Sunday paper for $10
month.....not worth it when the GR Press is $8 month and it has the TV
guide and TONS more coupons (it usually pays for itself)
My insurance woes are due to wanting to dump AIG auto because their
recent antics ticked me off. Started off with me bringing my
paperwork to my local agency (who has had my homeowners for 10 years
now) and saying,
"if you can even come close, you have my business"
Gravy job, right???

TWO WEEKS later, the agent called me, saying the paperwork got lost on
his desk, he was out sick, do you still want me to qoute you, yada-
yada-yada....Butttt, it was a question of how mad I was at AIG and I
decided I was madder at AIG than at him.

Long story short, he missed deadlines, policy declarations pages were
$108 MORE than his original qoute, auto policy had deductable and
lienholder on the WRONG CAR, homeowners policy had wrong deductable.
I am waiting for a quote from Liberty so I can cancel with this jerk
and get his commission charged back! (Liberty's been advertising they
are cheaper than AAA, if anyone else can suggest insurance companies,
please do!)

Healthtex! GREAT stuff! Remember how excited I got when finding
Healthtex at yard sales when my kids were tiny, they can be passed
down for years. Great find, myview! Doesn't that just thrill you?


May 1, 2009, 9:23:46 AM5/1/09
to mpolitics

On Apr 30, 11:31 pm, mdancer <> wrote:

> My insurance woes...

I switched to a local agency (Shoreline Insurance on Broadway) and
can't be happier. The one time (and only once in 4 years now) that I
have found a better rate they were able to match it no questions
asked. I have only ever had one claim, but they didn't even require
an adjuster to come look at the damage. The entire conversation took
5 minutes and I had a letter for a body shop with a check a week

I can't say enough good things about them. My agent is responsive,
intelligent, and evidently very good at what he does.


May 1, 2009, 10:01:55 AM5/1/09
to mpolitics
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Wrote it down and gonna give 'em a
call today.


May 1, 2009, 3:48:57 PM5/1/09
to mpolitics
Called Shoreline Insurance and mailed copies of my paperwork (the
expired but CORRECTLY WRITTEN policies with a note of explanation and
my current policy numbers)

And......I got the "amended AAA policies" today. Homeowners looked
EXACTLY the same (again, what the hell did the stinkin' agent DO?).
Deductable is on the correct vehicles now, but Lienholder is still on
the wrong car AND...........the price jumped up another $50. That is
the THIRD price increase since the original phone quote.

Went to White Lake Agency and threw a tantrum. There was a poor guy
sitting in the "customer chair" who looked scared to death ;) Hope he
listened well and ran out that door! Geeezzz, so AIG is robbing the
US, but at least they do their jobs well, maybe shoulda stuck with

On May 1, 9:23 am, Omni <> wrote:
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