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Jun 1, 2009, 11:35:53 PM6/1/09
to mpolitics
Everyone has an opinion on. Most have not walked in the shoes of the
woman that had chose to do so, or family. The decision to abort is
not easy way out, it's personal and life altering. This is something
you live with for the rest of your life. It's not something you ever
forget about and there is a life time of regret and mourning. It's
not about forgetting to use protection or protection failed.

I have friends (need I say plural here as it was several) who baby did
not develop a brain, just the stem, who had to make the choice. Many
tears were shed over decision. We celebrated the pregancy with
showers, planned for the new arrival and were left mourning the lost.
One chose to give birth, put the baby on life support and organs were
donated. The lost still was devasting.

I know others that were in an abusive relationship where the man beat
the woman to make her loose the baby, because he didn't want to
support and won't use protection. The "Burning Bed" movie says a
lot. Save myself,so I can raise my kids.

Then there is the rape. We all seen how that goes watching t.v. --
come forward and your victimized over and over again. No wonder women
don't come forward.

Abortion is not black and white, it's devastion to all that have to
deal with it.


Jun 2, 2009, 10:09:14 PM6/2/09
to mpolitics
I've never been in a situation to consider abortion so I don't think
I'm qualified to voice an opinion.

Butttt.......if my Daughter was raped and got pregnant, you BET I
would support abortion and maybe encourage her to do so.

If my Son or Daughter was diagnosed EARLY in pregnancy (I am against
late term abortions) that their child would spend a lifetime
suffering with a major quality-of-life, non curable disability, would
I want that child to suffer in pain, not being able to express that
they were in pain? I recently put my dog to sleep for the very same
reason, her quality of life was affected by her pain and suffering. I
say send that little soul back for another chance at a healthy, happy

I know a woman who used abortion for her choice of birth control.
This behaviour makes me angry as pregnancy can be prevented from the
first place. It is irresponsible.

I also know two women who gave birth to babies without brains. I
admire their courage, but also take solace that those babies didn't
suffer long. I know they took solace in that, too.

You're right, many shades of gray!! But reading my comments, I guess
I would be pro choice, but hope my children or I would never have to
MAKE that choice. Its a big one.


Jun 5, 2009, 10:34:43 PM6/5/09
to mpolitics
I don't agree with late term abortions either.
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