Kiata, that sort of thing can take on a life of it's own on a board or
list. I actually put up a post here on the subject that I immediately
deleted because I didn't want to start the whole thing up again. It's
easy to get worked up out of proportion.
Remember that if you're starting to get seriously upset, it's a good
time to take a break.
Lists and boards can become like a "one-upmanship" contest and you can
get sucked in without meaning to. Confession: I was once on a mailing
list that was fairly contentious, and after a time I got to know the
personalities so well that once, just for fun, I put up a post with
the specific intent of seeing if I could cause two of the other list
members to go at each others throats.
Worked like a charm. One of them expanded on what I said and took it
further down the road, and the other counter-attacked, exactly as I
expected. It was one of the biggest flame wars I ever saw, and yeah,
at first it was amusing because, duh, they both fell for it! After a
while, though, I felt little guilty about it, although they were
completely responsible for their own behavior. It felt like being
omnipotent, and omnipotency should be wielded carefully. :)
God: Arthur! Arthur, King of the Britons! Oh, don't grovel! One thing
I can't stand, it's people groveling!
Arthur: Sorry.
God: And don't apologize! Every time I try to talk to someone, it's
"Sorry" this and "Forgive me" that. What are you doing now?!
Arthur: I'm averting my eyes, O Lord.
God: Well, don't. It's like those miserable Psalms. They're soooo
depressing. Now knock it off!