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Apr 17, 2009, 4:00:04 PM4/17/09
to mpolitics
My RSS feed wasn't working, for this group, so I assumed everyone
stopped posting. Weird because all my other feeds were still working.
I'm still on my self-imposed exile from Town Talk as well. If I didn't
have Facebook I wouldn't have talked to anyone online all week.


Apr 17, 2009, 5:44:26 PM4/17/09
to mpolitics
Weird is right, but glad you're back here now!
I didn't post yesterday because I was too busy and then pooped! (at
least I dont think I posted?)

Haven't posted at TT either, but I see Authoress has been a busy girl
today :D
Message has been deleted


Apr 17, 2009, 9:12:46 PM4/17/09
to mpolitics
I can't post on TT because someone deleted all the posts. The whole
thing this morning was bad. I handled it wrong, and it didn't come out
like I intended it to. I really have lost that much weight, and I do
know what it is like to be obese and taunted and judged. I am a normal
size now, honest. The hardest part was seeing all I had written about
my past hurts listed in order with a giggle at the bottom of the
So if I offended anyone, I am sorry. Please, let's not bring it over
to this site too. It was too much already.
> > have Facebook I wouldn't have talked to anyone online all week.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

Lake Shore Girl

Apr 17, 2009, 9:44:04 PM4/17/09
to mpolitics
Kiata, that sort of thing can take on a life of it's own on a board or
list. I actually put up a post here on the subject that I immediately
deleted because I didn't want to start the whole thing up again. It's
easy to get worked up out of proportion.

Remember that if you're starting to get seriously upset, it's a good
time to take a break.

Lists and boards can become like a "one-upmanship" contest and you can
get sucked in without meaning to. Confession: I was once on a mailing
list that was fairly contentious, and after a time I got to know the
personalities so well that once, just for fun, I put up a post with
the specific intent of seeing if I could cause two of the other list
members to go at each others throats.

Worked like a charm. One of them expanded on what I said and took it
further down the road, and the other counter-attacked, exactly as I
expected. It was one of the biggest flame wars I ever saw, and yeah,
at first it was amusing because, duh, they both fell for it! After a
while, though, I felt little guilty about it, although they were
completely responsible for their own behavior. It felt like being
omnipotent, and omnipotency should be wielded carefully. :)

God: Arthur! Arthur, King of the Britons! Oh, don't grovel! One thing
I can't stand, it's people groveling!

Arthur: Sorry.

God: And don't apologize! Every time I try to talk to someone, it's
"Sorry" this and "Forgive me" that. What are you doing now?!

Arthur: I'm averting my eyes, O Lord.

God: Well, don't. It's like those miserable Psalms. They're soooo
depressing. Now knock it off!


Apr 17, 2009, 11:47:33 PM4/17/09
to mpolitics
Kiata, when I wrote my post here, singling you out was the last thing
on my mind. My observation was that Authoress was busy in MANY
different topics at TT today, that woman was all over the board! (a
few topics got deleted, not sure if you read them) I'm very sorry if
you felt like I singled you out, it certainly wasn't my intention.

I'm so very proud of you! What an accomplishment. I took off about 25
pounds and hated every stinkin' minute of it. Really hated it.
Dieting sucks. And 25 pounds is nothing compared to what you did. I
applaud your efforts and all I can say is keep up the GREAT work!

One bad thing about boards/forums is that the facial expressions and
voice inflections are lost and all one has it the written word. If
y'all ever read something I wrote and it makes you mad, don't ever
take me seriously!!! I'm likely typing with a big grin and on my face
and winking!
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Apr 18, 2009, 6:04:41 AM4/18/09
to mpolitics
Thank you mdancer and Lake Shore Girl. You both are very kind. I did
let it get too far... and I really didn't think you singled me out

today will be a better day :)


Apr 18, 2009, 7:47:34 AM4/18/09
to mpolitics
I'm sorry too, Kiata. Very, very sorry. As much as I don't like
censorship, I'm glad that thread got deleted ... it got ugly. *I* got
ugly, and I feel really awful about it.

If I could have a do-over, I would re-read your original post and
understand that you were venting out of years of frustration and pain,
and I would answer by congratulating you on such a wonderful
accomplishment ... and then drop it right there. But since do-overs
aren't possible, I will simply just apologize to you for my behavior.

I hope you have a great weekend.

On Apr 17, 9:12 pm, kiata77 <> wrote:


Apr 18, 2009, 7:49:31 AM4/18/09
to mpolitics

> Haven't posted at TT either, but I see Authoress has been a busy girl
> today :D

Yeah. Instead of getting my book done (like I was SUPPOSED to
yesterday) I was screwing around online for much of the day. I have to
pay for that now by working today when I'd rather be playing outside.


Apr 18, 2009, 11:29:12 AM4/18/09
to mpolitics
LOL, y'know, sometimes the brain just needs a break to screw around!
Waiting for the last load of laundry to finish so I can hang it up,
then I'm heading outside! Gots grocery shopping to do but it can wait
till it gets dark


Apr 18, 2009, 4:03:08 PM4/18/09
to mpolitics
Authoress, it's my fault that things got out of hand, and I am very
sorry about it. I should have known better than to post on a subject
that is so emotionally charged for myself that it clouds my reasoning
and judgement. I said some cruel things about you. I should have just
let it drop without posting. So I will just let it drop now :)

I hope you got a chance to write today. It has been a gorgeous day! I
think Spring is FINALLY here :)

Have a good weekend.
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -


Apr 19, 2009, 6:32:39 AM4/19/09
to mpolitics
Glad we're friends now. :-)

I did spend most of yesterday writing, and today I'll be able to
finish the book. FINALLY. But, I did something dumb last night. Went
to the club and was playing fetch with this huge black lab who
wouldn't let go of the stick. I tugged it, he tugged back, I tugged
harder, lost my balance ... and fell on my butt. In the process I
twisted my ankle, which means I'm hobbling around today like an old
lady. Ouch!!

Oh well, at least writing doesn't require my feet!
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