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Apr 25, 2009, 12:01:48 PM4/25/09
to mpolitics
Racer got ticked off at me yesterday for a post I made and in
retribution, said this:

"Know what the way you act at mpolitics with your friends I don't need
your expert help. I shared feelings there and you particles just threw
it in my face. That's why I quit going there. And some guy posted here
that she (you) still are doing it."

It bothered me so I checked this group, and either he was mixed up or
lied. Neither you, I, nor anyone else here "threw" anything in his
face. In fact, from what I saw everyone sympathized with him for what
he posted.

I replied by calling him on it, telling him that his accusation was
out of line. I just wanted to give you a heads-up that your name was
mentioned in that false accusation along with mine.


Apr 25, 2009, 12:58:44 PM4/25/09
to mpolitics
Surprise. Surprise. I don't even have to go look. I know exactly
what you're talking about.
That's how he always responds to people. He's a perpetual victim.
Unfortunately, I've seen his
type, many times, in the circles I travel. And he wonders why all his
"friends" chose his wife when
they divorced (there's an actual throw back for ya, racer - maybe you
should really think about it, seriously).


Apr 25, 2009, 1:41:06 PM4/25/09
to mpolitics
Well now he's posting that you and I are the same person.

What's up with THAT??
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