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Guess everyone is busy again

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Jun 9, 2009, 10:48:27 PM6/9/09
to mpolitics
No new posts in awhile.

Maple are pretty but, I wish my block had male trees. Yep you heard it
right male maples produce no seeds. I figure I swept or raked up
millions of seeds over the year. To date this season four 32 gallon
trash cans. No so bad. Last year - I will tell you was terrible - 22
cans. Now if I was starting a tree farm that would be good news.

The garden is looking good and most seeds took. Beet seeds from 5
years ago are also sprouting. So don't toss seeds because of a date as
most will sprout.

Been scrapping, painting and chalking as this is the year to do

Any one notice there are less bees around? I grow tons of flowers and
usually have to watch out, but not this year.


Jun 10, 2009, 10:41:40 AM6/10/09
to mpolitics
I've been out of country for a bit spreading my special brand of love
and happiness in Europe...

...I hear I'm not allowed back until 2015.


Jun 11, 2009, 12:01:33 AM6/11/09
to mpolitics
Good to hear you had a good time.


Jun 11, 2009, 10:43:28 AM6/11/09
to mpolitics
Spring! Which means nice days spent outside and lousy days spent
spring cleaning. Too boring to post about....

Good Lord, Myview, thats a lotta maple seeds! I won't complain about
the half dozen bags of pine cones I get from my one pine tree any

The garden. Tomatoes and peppers are just sitting there, canteloupe
is looking very sad, been too cold; but I've been thoroughly enjoying
the spinach crop this year.

Need to do some major moving around the flowerbeds. Have some
daylillies that are crowded and getting too much shade from nearby
growing trees. Need to find a new spot for my irises as they are now
in too shaded of a spot. And no ROOM to put 'em. Sounds like a new
bed is in the works (but where?????)
> > ...I hear I'm not allowed back until 2015.- Hide quoted text -
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Jun 11, 2009, 11:07:28 PM6/11/09
to mpolitics
Got pine cones too. LOL! Maple seed are terrible to deal with. You
miss a few and the next thing you have is a forest growing in your
flower beds and garden. They also kill off grass.

My early girls are blooming and near the top of the cages. Cucumbers
- well looking sorry for as long as they been sprouted, three weeks
now. I went and got a different kind. Don't know if its the weather
or what, but only the size of nickel so far, no new leaves on and I do
water. Just to be on the safe side, I planted 6 in cups inside as
well as 5 hills in the garden. Some of my peppers are blooming and
noticed some little ones come on the hot ones. Sweet peas are doing
good. Need to plant my stakes with twine so they can climb. Summer
squash coming along nicely. Mr. Squirrel got my zucchini seeds so
replanted with plants. Thinned the beets today. Beans looking good.
No sign of the green onions yet. Only had to reseed 5 spots on the
sweet corn.

Sounds like you have your work cut out moving things. But planning a
new bed can be the fun part.
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